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它们的设计目的阻抗压缩力。They are designed to create resistance to a compressive force.

对制品进行抗压强度和气孔率的测试观察。The compressive strength and porosity of the product are measured.

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构造应力场主压应力优势方向为NNE-SSW。The main compressive stress directions of tectonic field are NNE-SSW.

的应力通常都是压应力。Stresses applied to plastically deform the metal are usually compressive.

二是逆冲、右旋、挤压型断层地震。Second, resulting from thrust, dextral and compressive faults earthquakes.

压缩弹簧的设计用于抵抗压缩力。Compression springs are designed to create resistance to a compressive force.

对裙座所受轴向压应力进行校核,可知裙座满足稳定性条件。Checking the axial compressive stress of the skirt, deduces that it is stable.

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支架浸泡在不同溶液中也可以改变其孔隙度和强度。Scaffolds immerse in a series of can change their compressive strength and porosity.

实验室测试包括筛分析及无侧限抗压强度测试。Laboratory testing included sieve analyses and unconfined compressive strength testing.

多年的演出经验养成了处变不惊的个性,抗压性极强。Many years of performance experience develop a panic personality, a highly compressive.

喷丸后扭转疲劳极限提高的主要原因是残余压应力的作用。Compressive residual stress are the main factor in the increase of torsion fatigue limit.

方法107例胫骨开放性骨折骨外固定加压治疗。Methods 107 cases of open tibia fracture were treated with compressive external fixation.

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钻杆的单根长度越长,钻柱所能承受的临界载荷越小。The longer the single drill pipe, the lesser the critical compressive force of drill stem.

压缩弹簧是开路线圈用于抵抗压缩力。Compression Springs are open-coiled helical springs that work by resisting compressive force.

如果减震材料长时间在高度压力下会发生厚度逐渐减少的现象,这叫压缩变形。Compressive Creep is the gradual loss of thickness that may occur if a cushioning material is

分析了水泥浆液中掺入水玻璃对水泥凝结时间和无侧限抗压强度的影响。The paper analyzed the influence of cement-silicate on setting time and compressive strength.

而且还对自密实混凝土与同配比振捣成型混凝土的抗压强度进行比较。Finally, the SCC is compared with the same mixing but vibrated concrete on compressive strength.

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磁化处理外加剂对混凝土抗压强度有相当的提高。The compressive strength of concrete improves a lot when mixed with magnetic treated admixtures.

本试验机用于测试混凝土、砖、石等抗压强度的检测,是建筑、公路、建材行业的必备设备。It used to test the compressive strength or concrete , brick, stone and other building materials.

由于MSW的高压缩性,初始孔隙比不同对试样的动力特性影响不大。The high compressive property of MSW makes the influence of the initial void ratio insignificant.