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支持性工作者反对偏见。Support the fight against the stigmatization of sex workers.

他说,这种遣责将对集束弹的使用形成强有力的威摄作用。He says this stigmatization will act as a potent deterrent to their use.

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社会缺乏认识和对癫痫病的耻辱感也是重要的限制因素。Low social awareness and stigmatization with epilepsy are also major contributing factors.

然而,误诊,医疗服务不足,侮辱,遗弃仍然共同的问题。However, misdiagnosis, inadequate medical care, stigmatization , and abandonment remained common problems.

我们主张这些谬误仅仅有助于遗传风险的进一步描绘。We would argue that these fallacies only serve to contribute to the further stigmatization of genetic risk.

可是我该用什么姿态来俯视我这副被打上烙印的躯壳。?However, I use the profile to what this pair I was overlooking the stigmatization of the wholeness of the body. ?

对近代上海苏北人的“污名化”是特定历史背景和社会条件下的一种社会现象。The stigmatization of Subei people was a social phenomenon which had special historic background and circumstance.

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精神障碍者们被打上深深的烙印,他们很难摆脱这种偏见。The stigmatization of people with mental disabilities runs very deep, and it is very difficult for them to shed it.

在美国,强调个人主义,通常会导致罪犯被告上法庭。In the United States, the emphasis on individual autonomy usually results in stigmatization of the accused offender.

发病后造成的毁容以及神经破坏曾多次出现在艺术品中,上图即为一位麻风病人的脸部肖像画。The significant disfigurement from skinand nerve damage has led to the stigmatization of people with leprosy throughouthistory.

这样的偏见主要影响到生活,工作条件和在这个行业工作的女性健康。This stigmatization has a major influence on the lives, working conditions and the health of women who are working in this industry.

我们需要可靠的数据改善大众健康政策并且阻止对精神疾病患者的隐匿的不公正的描绘。Reliable data are needed to inform public-health policy and to prevent potentially unwarranted stigmatization of mentally ill people.

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害怕被诬蔑使得人们不愿意采取预防性措施,并使得男女低估其所面临的危险。Fear of stigmatization inhibits people from taking preventive measures and leads women and men to assess their own risks inadequately.

艾滋病人对歧视环境的主观夸大经历了一个自我污名、自我否定到自我封闭的过程。Under the background of Stigmatization narrative and discourse system, they began to exaggerate the subjective discrimination environment.

我们可以在生活中采取行动来改变外界对她们的印象,并采取有效干预来适当满足这些女性的需要。We can take action to oppose stigmatization in our environments and make better-informed interventions to properly fulfill these women’s needs.

但在许多情况下,这些法律实施不力,艾滋病毒携带者和最高危人群仍遭到歧视。However, in many cases, there is poor enforcements of such laws and stigmatization of people living with HIV and most-at-risk populations persist.

尽管侮辱已经被心理学和社会学广泛研究,很少有关于组织背景下的侮辱研究。Although stigma has been studied extensively in psychology and sociology, there has been little research on stigmatization in organizational settings.

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诉状说,张庆信继续在各语文报章和新闻网站重复同样指责,进一步污蔑翁诗杰。Complaint says Zhang Qingxin continue in all language newspapers and news sites repeating the same accusations, and further stigmatization Ong Tee Keat.

对乌干达的HIV感染者来说,污名和歧视反映了有效的HIV预防、治疗、护理和支持的主要障碍。For people living with HIV in Uganda, stigmatization and discrimination represent a major obstacle to effective HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support.

社会对精神疾病患者的歧视由来已久,这种歧视广泛存在于不同的阶层与民族当中,且各有其特点。The stigmatization of social system toward mentally ill patients is a long-standing problem, and it is prevailing throughout different classes and nations with respective features.