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墨水被吸墨纸吸干了。The ink was absorbed by the blotter.

用一张吸墨纸把溅出来墨水吸掉。Use a blotter to take up the spilt ink.

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他像吸水纸吸墨水一般吸取知识。He absorbed knowledge as a blotter does ink.

他用干净的吸墨纸吸干墨水。He blotted the wet ink with a clean blotter.

警察捕人记录簿是逮捕犯人和罪状记录簿。A police blotter is a record of arrests and charges.

年轻女人读了报纸上的警情通报。The young woman reads the police blotter in the newspaper.

柠檬膏和香菜提取物能好似一个天然的吸油纸,能够深深地清洁肌肤。Lemon Balm and Parsley Extracts deeply cleanse and act as a natural oil blotter.

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如果你是油性肌肤,喷点喷雾,然后用吸油纸或纸巾把多余的油光吸走。If your skin is oily, spritz some facial mist and blot away with tissue or use an oil blotter to absorb excess sheen.

依据吸水纸培养特征,能快速检测这四种种传德氏霉病菌。The four species and certain saprophytes can be distinguished from each other by habit characteristics in blotter test.

我女儿说,我断定,这是某个急于钩名钓誉的特约记者在警察日志上看到了这个名字并试图加以利用的。I have decided, says my daughter, that it was an overambitious stringer, who saw the name on a police blotter and tried to cash in.

他拿着那吸墨纸,不断地看,呆头呆脑地感到幸运,几乎笑了出来,说自己竟会受到错觉的愚弄。He held the blotter in his hand and contemplated it in stupid delight, almost ready to laugh at the hallucination of which he had been the dupe.

然后,我看见了一款小型的褐色蛇纹皮质公文包,打开后露出来的是信封、书写板、记事簿和银色的自动铅笔。Then I spied a miniature brown snake-effect leather briefcase that opened out to reveal a letter set writing surface blotter and silver propelling pencil.

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然后,我看见了一款小型的褐色蛇纹皮质公文包,打开后露出来的是信封、书写板、记事簿和银色的自动铅笔。Then I spied a miniature, brown, snake-effect leather briefcase that opened out to reveal a letter set, writing surface, blotter and silver propelling pencil.