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他奋力一举,举起了205公斤重的杠铃。He strained and raised the barbell of 205 kilograms.

能举起这么重的杠铃,这个运动员可真强壮啊。How robust of the athlete to lift such a heavy barbell.

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在这篇文章中,我们将仔细查找在杠铃耸肩。In this article we'll take a close look at Barbell Shrugs.

如果您发现任何更好的杠铃深蹲的影片,也让我知道。If you find any better barbell squat video, do let me know.

她或者他,选择佩戴肚脐环还是肚脐铃?Should he or she elect to wear a belly button ring or a barbell?

5磅,这里我们有了重量。Here we have a weight which is a barbell weight, which is 10 pounds.

然后你可以在你的颈后增加一个固定的哑铃或是杠铃。Then you can add dumbbells or a barbell resting on the back of your neck.

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在这篇文章中,我们将接管排在弯曲的密切关注,用杠铃。In this article we'll take a close look at the bent-over row using a barbell.

正手握杠铃,让它舒服地架在你的后肩上。Hold a barbell with an overhand grip so that it rests comfortably on your upper back.

然而,大多数人没有得到尽可能多地可以出杠铃卷曲,因为可怕的形式。However, most people do not get as much as they can out of barbell curls because of the terrible form.

其导致的一个后果是投资者所谓的杠铃形态,在这种局面下抗跌性?One result is what investors call a barbell pattern, in which both defensive and risky investments benefit.

你最好也做一些复合运动,比如深蹲,硬举,俯卧撑,杠铃二头肌弯举。It is best that you do what are known as compound exercises such as Squats, Deadlifts, Push Ups and Barbell Curls.

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哥在三里屯,放下青龙偃月刀,拿片刀和哑铃花了9个韩国棒子!!!!!!I put down the Dragon Yanyue Broadsword, Make a crit to 9 shit korean with a barbell and slice knife in Sanlitun! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

站立,在你面前手持杠铃,手心向外,双手与肩同宽并且双臂在身前下垂。Stand while holding a barbell in front of you, palms facing out, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your arms hanging in front of you.

结论下蹲挺上挺发力所需力小,但是撑铃和起立的稳定性差。Conclusion The jerk force of drop jerk is smaller than the others, but its stability is very bad in drop under the barbell and uprise phases.

在抓举比赛中,要求选手伸直双臂,用一次连续动作将杠铃举过头顶。In the snatch competition, requests the contestant to unbend the double arm, continuously act with the barbell has lifted the top of the head.

箭步挺撑铃和起立时间较短,起立距离也较短,消耗的能量少。The duration of drop under barbell and uprising of drop jerk was short, the distance of uprising was low. Therefore, the body consumed less energy.

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通过膝关节载荷静力学分析,进一步认识了杠铃力量训练过程中膝关节的力学特点和变化规律。By the statics analysis of knee joint, the article has a further research on the mechanics characteristic of knee joint in the barbell strength training.

家庭健身房,举重椅,踏车,训练车,跑步机,划船机,自由重量器械,哑铃,杠铃,体育部件和训练配件。Home gyms, weight benches , treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, rowing machines, free weights, dumbbells, barbell sets, gym parts and exercise accessories.

试验一研究饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平对赤眼鳟鱼种生长和肌肉营养成分的影响。The first experiment was conducted to study the effect of dietary protein and fat level on the growth performance and muscle composition of barbell chub fingerlings.