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你船船员准备弃船吗?Will you abandon vessel?

我永远不会撇弃你。I will never abandon you.

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礼物送到,不要嫌弃。Gifts sent to, don't abandon.

他们狂呼乱叫。They shouted in wild abandon.

弃船,上小艇。Abandon ship. Into the longboat.

所以我决不肯放弃这束花球。So I will not abandon this bouquet.

凡入此门者,当永弃希望。Abandon hope, forever, you who enter.

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谁下达弃船的命令?。Who gives the order to abandon ship ?

因为这是他的土地,他绝不放弃。It is his land and he cannot abandon it.

老总从未嫌弃过我,总是欣然前往。Mister never abandon me, always glad to.

她放肆地吻我,却并不匆忙。She kissed with abandon but without haste.

岚么艰难地说出她弃马的决定。Hard to say she decided to abandon a horse.

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孩子们任意地泼洒着颜料。The kids were splashing paint with abandon.

人们并没有荒弃它,而是重新利用。And people don't abandon it but to reuse it.

我说过我们不能把她丢在瓦兰提斯。I said we could not abandon her in Volantis.

那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。Those who abandon themselves will not success.

且掩耳不听真理,偏去听那无稽的传说。And they will abandon the truth to hear fables.

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南宫恋雯一脸嫌弃。The south temple loves Wen one face to abandon.

我永远不会放弃我自己。I can't abandon myself for ever. I trust meself.

詹姆决不会为这样的货色抛弃我。Jaime would never abandon me for such a creature.