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她患麻疹病倒了。She fell ill with measles.

这小孩患了麻疹,疹痘已出现。The child has got measles.

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我们都没出疹子。We all escaped the measles.

麻疹使这个小女孩很不舒服。Measles ails the little girl.

他患麻疹而卧病在床。A case of measles kept him in bed.

麻疹和艾滋病是很易传染的。Measles and aids are highly contagious.

麻疹是应严肃对待的一种疾病。Measles is a disease to take seriously.

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麻疹是小孩患的一种普遍的病。Measles is a common disease among children.

他那个年龄的孩子易患麻疹。Children suffer from measles easily at his age.

这些抗体有对抗麻疹病毒作用。These antibodies work against the measles virus.

麻疹是儿童期死亡的一个重要原因。Measles is an important cause of childhood deaths.

麻疹是这三种疾病中最严重的一种。Measles is the most serious of the three illnesses.

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麻疹是目前所知的极具传染性的病毒之一。Measles is one of the most infectious viruses known.

过去每年有四百万名儿童罹患麻疹。Measles used to strike four million children a year.

因麻疹死亡人数从8000例减少到5600例。Fatalities due to measles fell from 8, 000 to 5, 600.

貌似在难民营里麻诊病患也是随处可见。Measles cases seem to be everywhere in the camps, too.

我看起来有没有患麻疹或者腮腺炎或者其他什么病的样子?Do I look like I may have measles or mumps or anything?

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但从那时开始,加拉瓦人就一直饱受麻疹暴发的困扰。Since then they've been wracked by outbreaks of measles.

每例麻疹病例的平均费用估计为373欧元。The average cost per measles case was estimated at €373.

护士给他注射预防麻疹的疫苗。The nurse injected him with the vaccine against measles.