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做得我大汗淋漓。I really sweated.

他手中的黑桃Q被迫垫了出来。His spade Q was sweated down.

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他跑得全身汗水淋淋。He sweated all over for running.

她说,“真让人大汗淋漓啊。”"We've sweated for this, " she said.

一个星期的劳动使他减轻了六磅体重。A week's work sweated 6 pounds off him.

我追他的时候他像个野猪一样流汗。He sweated like a boar when I caught him.

经过五年的不懈努力,他终于搞到了那张邮票。Finally, he sweated the stamp for 5 years.

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听到那个可怕的声音,他吓出了一身冷汗。He sweated a cold sweat at the terrible noise.

为收割牧草,他们花费了多少辛勤和汗水!H OW THEY TOILED AND SWEATED to get the hay in!

当他看着我们大快朵颐时都冒汗了。He sweated as he watched us gobble down the food.

我有如芒刺在身地和他谈了两个小时的话。I sweated out the conversation with him for 2 hours.

洗蒸汽浴时,我在一小时内就因出汗而使体重下降了两磅。In the steam bath. I sweated off two pounds in an hour.

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我累死累活地干,然而他甚至连谢也不谢我!I sweated blood on that job yet he didn't even thank me!

然而,好运气是他们得之不易的。The good fortune is, however, what they have sweated for.

船里上上下下的舱壁到处沾着一层油水。All over the ship the bulkheads sweated a film of oil and water.

我出的汗更多了,不过当你头上戴着东东,这都很正常。I sweated more, but it is normal if you wear something on the head.

马丁和乔两人脱得只剩下了内衣,光着膀子仍然大汗淋漓,喘不过气来。Martin and Joe, down to undershirts, bare armed, sweated and panted for air.

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她累得气喘吁吁,也一直在流汗,可是她的双手还是紧紧呵护着背上的小孩。She was tired breathlessly and sweated heavily, but she held tightly on the boy on her back.

实际上,你会重新补充这些体重。In fact, you'll gain that 'weight' right back after you replenish the fluids you sweated out.

他夹在长长的队伍中汗流浃背,并因为第一次去商场需要购买哪些东西犯了难。He sweated in long lines and stressed about what he would need to buy on his first shopping trip.