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她穿着一件花哨的橙绿相间的衬衫。She was wearing a lurid orange and green blouse.

耀眼的夕阳映红了他们的脸。The lurid sunset puts a red light on their faces.

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三个女性对具体事件作出了耸人听闻的指控。The trio make lurid allegations about specific incidents.

起先,那只是闪现在石板路上的灰黄色的星星之火。At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement.

说到性,荷兰可谓声名远播。The Netherlands has a lurid reputation abroad when it comes to sex.

他在看电视,银屏红蓝色的的光投在他的脸上。He is watching TV, the screen casting its lurid blue light across his face.

影片的色彩浓的逼人,森森鬼气呼应着优雅的动作。The film is in lurid colors, a pulp counterpoint to the elegance of the action.

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低沉嘶哑的吼声像散落的水银滚过红色的草。Like spilt quicksilver, hoarse growls rolled over the lurid weeds like thunders.

一次,他找到了一顶粉红色的帽子,那是艾玛脱发后常戴的。Once, he found the lurid pink hat she wore when the drugs had made her hair fall out.

整个夜晚北面的天际闪烁着忽明忽暗的光芒。All that night the aurora flamed and shimmered lurid colors across the sky to the north.

有些记者喜欢渲染人们私生活的一些俗艳故事细节。Some journalists like to colour their stories up with lurid detailsof people's private lives.

上一周,人们发现他牵扯进了一起严重影响美国形象的惊天丑闻。Last week, he emerged at the center of a lurid scandal deeply embarrassing to the United States.

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图中为云南星云湖,一位垂钓者正等着鱼儿上钩。A fisherman waits for a bite after casting into the lurid green surface of Xingyun Lake in Yunnan.

他不能面对与他同等地位的人,因本地各社团都在传她的耸人听闻的故事。He would never be able to face his social equals, and lurid tales of her would be told at local clubs.

在随后进行的耸人听闻的审判中,史密斯受到了指控,但后来被无罪释放。Smith was accused of raping a woman. Mr. Smith was prosecuted in a lurid trial that fall but was acquitted.

晚宴的食品有整盘的坚果,色拉,面饼,水果,伏特加和软饮料。The spread includes plates of nuts, salads, pastries, bowls of fruit, and bottles of vodka and lurid soft drinks.

的确,提到浮士德跟魔鬼梅菲斯特的订约,使诗中佛洛斯特使用动词「佔有」有了清楚的意涵。Certainly the allusion to Faustus' compact with Mephistopheles casts a lurid light over Frost's use of the verb "possess."

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在出现在许多的第一版的头条后,他出现在比利时把企图自杀作为他的抑郁症的一种出路。After many lurid front page headlines, he turned up in Belgium having contemplating suicide as a way out of his depression.

通常,女人们隐秘的性幻想能够帮助她们享受性生活,并且不会有罪恶感,不管有多么的骇人听闻。Generally, women's secret sexual fantasies help them enjoy sex and are nothing to feel guilty about, no matter how lurid they are.

那些目光随着她身影窥视的人耳语着说,她胸前的红字在中内黑漆漆的通路上投下了一道血红的闪光。It was whispered, by those who peered after her, that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage-way of the interior.