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第二章语言符号前景化。Chapter II is the foregrounding of the language symbols.

“前景化”是文学语言的标志性特征。Foregrounding is a symbolic feature of literary language.

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第三章非语言符号前景化。Chapter III is the foregrounding of the non-verbal symbols.

功能文体学认为文体即前景化。Functional stylistics holds the view—style as foregrounding.

把前景化理论运用于小说翻译之中。Applying the foregrounding theory to the translation of novels.

第四章体育新闻标题前景化原因。Chapter IV is the reasons for foregrounding of Sports News titles.

语义层的前景化主要集中在新闻标题中暗喻、提喻、转喻及双关等的使用。Foregrounding at the semantic level principally turns up in the news headlines.

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前景化理论是西方文论中的重要理论之一。The foregrounding theory is one of the important literary theories in the west.

第一章追溯了前景化的发展历史。Chapter One surveys and assesses the historical evolution of foregrounding theory.

制作一份结构图,突显出你认为在这个模型中找到的相似处。Make a structural map, foregrounding whatever aspects of the model you find relevant.

作为文体学中的一个重要概念,前景化在文体分析中起着重要作用。As an important concept in stylistics, "foregrounding" plays a key role in stylistic analysis.

本文主要阐述前台管理子模块的设计与实现过程。This artical is mainly expatiate on the process how foregrounding subschema been designed and run.

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本文旨在研究前景化理论及其在小说翻译中的运用。This thesis aims to study the theory of foregrounding and its application to the translation of novels.

突出与常规是相对而言的,尤其是在标准语言和诗学语言之间。Foregrounding and conventionalization are relative, especially between standard language and poetic language.

因此,在旅游翻译中突出主题相关信息可使该资料从众多的同类资料中脱颖而出。Therefore, foregrounding theme-relevant information also helps distinguish a tourist attraction from numerous others.

从修辞角度看,语篇是统一性、连贯性和强调性的有机统一。Viewed from the rhetorical perspective, a discourse is an organic combination of unity, coherence, and foregrounding.

几乎在所有的文学作品中都能够找到前景化的痕迹,但前景化在不同的文学作品中具有不同的形式,发挥不同的作用。Though "foregrounding" can be found in all literary works, it takes different forms, and plays different roles in different works.

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年代末至今,独立影像作为当下中国的新生文化现象之一,日渐凸显。Independent film, as one of the newly-born cultural phenomena in China, is becoming more and more foregrounding since the late 1980s.

但是总而言之,流散写作还是在某种程度上促进了中华文化和文学的全球化进程,彰显了其全球性特征。On the whole, diasporic writing has promoted the global process of Chinese culture and literature foregrounding their global characteristics.

本文分三部分,主要是从中国审美文化的大背景下去理解“尚清意识”的文化审美内涵。This paper divides into 3 parts , is to study the consciousness of foregrounding Qing mainly from the big background of Chinese aesthetic culture.