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为毕牧师身体的康复代祷。For healing of Rev. Beck.

一周以后,贝克又再度邀请了他上节目。A week later, Beck had him back on.

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格伦贝克的观点是来自他的信仰。Glenn Beck is coming from his faith.

我会付钱给你,只要你随传随到。I'll pay you to be at my beck and call.

贝克说“我认为,这个人是一个种族主义者。”"This guy is, I believe, a racist, " Beck said.

支天的柱子震动,因他的呵叱而战栗。The pillars of heaven tremble, and dread at his beck.

贝克和他的同事们决定采取一种新的方法。Beck and his colleagues decided to take a different approach.

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新罗谢尔队的教练是丹·奥布赖恩,而扬克斯队的教练是莱斯·贝克。New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.

你可以输入一个乐队或者艺术家的名字,例如贝克。On Pandora, you plug in a band or artist — for example, Beck.

如果你对他的观点有疑问,你就是异教徒,”他在电影里说。And if you question it, you are a heretic," Beck said in the film.

从2008年到现在,格伦·贝克一直在警告说会出现恶性通货膨胀。Glenn Beck has been warning about imminent hyperinflation since 2008.

那家伙是个老色迷,整天跟在女孩子后面唯命是从。That guy is fool for women, who's always at the beck and call of girls.

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但你从来不早点通知我,你以为我是随传随到。But you never give me any notice. You just think I'm at your beck and call.

当然,茶党理念被福克斯新闻所“绑架”,贝克还是佩林?Surely, the tea party idea has been "hijacked" by Fox News, Beck and Palin?

安伦元气未复,对有关贝克的事情他无从作出强烈的反应。Aaron 's vitality was too low for a violent reaction to the news about Beck.

古代的臣下都愿意为皇帝孝犬马之劳。Courtiers in ancient times were willing to be at the emperor's beck and call.

维尔纳·贝克的眼睛对着杰斯特罗异样地闪闪发光,声音也颤料了。The eyes of Werner Beck strangely flashed at Jastrow, and his voice quavered.

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如果贝克听上去的确很像崔维斯,那麽我长得也的确像乔治娅·欧基夫。And if Beck sounds like Travis, then I might as well look like Georgia O'Keeffe.

他很听话,总是呼之即来,不敢有半点耽搁。He is very obedient and always at beck and call, never daring to delay a moment.

贝克同意了,后来特蕾兹在星期二陪她去了45英里外的圣·路易斯。Beck agreed, Torrez accompanied her to St. Louis, about 45 miles away, on Tuesday.