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我喜欢逛商店。I enjoy visiting shops.

陈先世正在游览伦敦。Chen is visiting London.

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我的大姨妈来了。My aunt Flo is visiting.

很感谢您到此一游。Thank you for visiting us.

他们击败了客队。They beat the visiting team.

没有。我走亲戚去了。I've been visiting relatives.

客队被击败了。The visiting team got bopped.

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客队先开球。The visiting team kicked off.

探病时间是几时?Where are the visiting hours?

西汉南越王博物馆值得看看。Nanyue King is worth visiting.

他们正在上海参观访问。They are visiting in Shanghai.

现在客队领先了。Now the visiting team is ahead.

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探望病人的时间快到了。The visiting time is almost up.

我在探讨去巴黎旅游。Inom thinking for visiting Paris.

没有。我走亲戚去了。No. I've been visiting relatives.

天津是一个值得参观的城市。Tianjin is a city worth visiting.

今天是个好机会,她回娘家。She's visiting her family tonight.

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苏州园林值得游览。Suzhou Gardens are worth visiting.

感谢您访问伟德亚洲网站。Thank you for visiting VCBet Asia.

考察团参观曼丢傣族村寨Visiting Mandiu Dai Ethnic Village