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他完美地概括了这一切。He summed it up perfectly.

他们合计了投票数。They summed up the voting.

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然后,他总结了一下我们大家的意见。Then he summed up our opinions.

这可以用三言两语概括起来。It can be summed up in two words.

他为她总结营业额。He summed up the turnover for her.

用一个词来总结就是——人类!It is summed up in a single word -- Man.

他用几句话就把我们的感受表达出来了。He summed up the way of ours in a few words.

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一位法律专家总结称该案件对她不利。A legal expert summed up the case against her.

第三章对MSK这种调制方式进行了总结。In third chapter, MSK modulation is summed up.

第四部分总结东蒙总分会的历史作用。Part IV summed up the branch's role in history.

总结了影响情侣装设计的因素。The design factors of lovers pack are summed up.

今天上午只能总结一个字那就寺累。!This morning only one word that summed up tired. !

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就像一位与会者总结的,“我们从哪里来?As one attendee summed up, “Where have we come from?

他把形势归纳为三小段。He summed up the situation in three short paragraphs.

主席用几句话把讨论的事项做了概括。The chairman summed the discussion up in a few words.

这种原则可以概括为一个词——客观。The rule may be summed up in one word-disinterestedness.

人类所有的智慧可以归结为两个----等待和希望。All human wisdom is summed up in two words-wait and hope.

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人类所有的聪明可以归结为两个----期待和但愿。All human wisdom is summed up in two words-wait and hope.

物理学家格雷格·格布总结了在他的博客上讨论。Physicist Greg Gbur summed up the discussion on his blog.

他关于这个话题的答复归纳起来相当有意思。That subject line of his reply summed it up quite nicely.