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雅各布·卢是在美国广播公司“本周”节目中说这番话的。Lew spoke on ABC's This Week television program.

雅各布·卢是奥巴马总统的白宫预算办公室主任。Jacob Lew is President Barack Obama's top budget official.

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我叫刘杰瑞,来自江西九江。This is Jerry Lew. I come from Jiujiang city , Jiangxi Province.

他培养过许多著名的球员,如贾巴尔,比尔·沃尔顿。He coached famous players like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, known then as Lew Alcindor, and Bill Walton.

卢·海耶是美国次世代能源公司的董事会主席和首席执行官。Lew Hay is chairman and CEO of NextEra Energy, which operates the nation's third-largest nuclear fleet.

目的采用正交实验法优选麻罕挥发油的提取工艺。ObjectiveTo optimize the extraction process of volatile oil in Michelia hedyosperma Lew by orthogonal design.

玛丽·伊丽莎白·包泽,可能原名是玛丽·珍妮·理查兹,她是弗吉尼亚里士满的凡·卢家族的奴隶。Mary Elizabeth Bowser, likely born Mary Jane Richards, was a slave of the Van Lew family in Richmond, Virginia.

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美国财政部长雅各布·卢表示,英国脱欧的投票结果对市场产生的影响是符合规律的。U. S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said the impact of the U. K. 's Brexit vote on the markets had been orderly.

曾受他指导的最著名的球星之一有中锋卡里姆•阿卜杜尔•贾巴尔,当时他的名字是卢•阿尔金德。One of the best known players to have played for him was center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who was then known as Lew Alcindor.

用惠普公司前首席行政官刘·普拉特的话说,“如果惠普知道自己的知识专长是什么,我们将盈利三倍。”In the words of Lew Platt, former ceo of Hewlett-Packard, “If H-P knew what it knows, we would be three times as profitable.”

但是据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,卢坚称没有证据表明国税局的行为是政府高层授权的。But as NPR's Scott Horsley tells us Lew insists there is no evidence the agents were directed by higher-ups in the administration.

1843年9月,约翰·凡·卢去世,他的遗嘱规定他的妻子伊莉莎不能卖掉或解放家里任何一个奴隶。When John Van Lew died in September 1843, his will stipulated that his wife, Eliza, could not sell or free any of the family’s slaves.

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白宫预算办公室主任雅各布.卢星期日说,这项议案将在奥巴马的第一个任期在2013年结束前削减一半的赤字。White House budget chief Jacob Lew said Sunday the proposal would cut the deficit in half by the end of Mr. Obama's first term in 2013.

伊莉莎和她女儿伊丽莎白·凡·卢都反对奴隶制,而且,看来她们都已经私底下允诺给奴隶们——包括包泽——自由。Eliza and her daughter Elizabeth Van Lew were against slavery and seem to have secretly granted their slaves, including Bowser, freedom.

目的探讨近交系大鼠DA到LEW原位肝移植模型的特点并判断排斥反应发生的强度。Objective To study the characteristics of liver transplantation models in inbred rats DA to LEW and judge the grades of acute rejection.

卢将从2月20日开始先后访问埃及、以色列和约旦,斯坦伯格将在2月21日开始的那一周前往以色列。Lew is slated to visit Egypt, Israel and Jordan beginning February 20, and Steinberg is traveling to Israel during the week of February 21.

七十年代末期,非相干系统失效树已开始应用于复杂系统的可靠性分析。In the last lew years of the seventies, the fault tree of the noncoherent system was applied in the reliability analysis of complex systems.

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共和党众议员汤姆·普赖斯指责奥巴马政府回避就财政收支不平衡问题进行公开和诚实的讨论。Republican Representative Tom Price accused Lew and the administration of avoiding an open and honest discussion about the nation’s fiscal imbalances.

律师札洛在听证会上要求行政法官强纳森.刘在这桩纪律上诉案进行时应让安德森保有他的牙医执照。Attorney Robert Zaro told administrative law judge Jonathan Lew at a hearing that he should let Anderson keep his dental license while disciplinary appeals proceed.