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我应该采用什么构件进行修复?Which components should we consider for remediation?

这不大可能,因为治理土壤的费用可能高达每亩数百万美元。It's unlikely when soil remediation can run into millions of dollars per acre.

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如果你在企业网络中发现了一台被感染的机器,那就应该考虑如何来最好的进行补救。If you do find an infected machine, the jury is out about how best to do remediation.

本发明涉及一种受损角蛋白质纤维的生物修复方法。The invention relates to a biological remediation method for damaged keratinous fiber.

生物表面活性剂在地下水和土壤增效修复中具有较大的应用潜力。Biosurfactants have a potential application in the remediation of soil and groundwater.

当一家机构出现资本金或者流动性问题,监管者将命令其及早采取补救措施。As a firm faced capital or liquidity problems, regulators would order early remediation.

可见,芦苇和白杨是该地比较适合的土壤石油污染修复植物。Thus, Phragmitas communis and Populus alba were selected as the best remediation plants.

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淮河是我国第一条进行水污染综合治理的大河,被纳入“九五”期间国家水污染防治的重点。However, there is still a large gap between the effect of water pollution remediation in.

植物整治技术可应用于大范围污染场地的整治。Phytoremediation technology can be used for remediation of lager scale contaminated site.

课外学习时间主要用来做作业和家庭作业,复习、补习和兴趣钻研。The time is mainly used to do schoolwork and homework, revision, remediation and research.

匹配补救分析通常需要一个能执行复杂记录链接的工具。Match Remediation Analysis usually requires a tool that can perform complex record linkage.

我们正称这为,污染区的补救能够对社区产生巨大影响。This being said, the remediation of brownfields can have a tremendous impact on communities.

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补救包括安全措施,当它投入使用时,是用于关闭漏洞。Remediation includes a safeguard that, when it is in place, is used to close the vulnerability.

然后,检查源系统分析,看是否有可能消除差异或采取补救措施。The source system analysis is then reviewed for potential mitigation or remediation of the gap.

结果表明,动电修复技术可以有效地去除粘土中的锌离子。The results show that electrokinetic remediation can effectively remove zinc ions through the clay.

生物激活剂促进污染水体的自净取得了良好的修复效果。Remediation of the self-purification accelerated by bio-stimulant for polluted waters had been achieved.

这个学程包含了分析、以及处理过去环境污染的科技。The program also includes technologies for assessment and remediation of past damage to the environment.

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生物修复技术是处理石油污染土壤最简单有效的方法之一。Bioremediation is one of the most effective strategies for the remediation of petroleum-contaminated soil.

但这一实验发现,接受矫正并没有显示出对改善阅读能力造成多大的影响。But this one found that receiving a remediation did not appear to affect improvement in reading abilities.

每台机器还需要不断的补救和安全性修补来符合安全法规。Each machine also requires continued remediation and security patches to comply with security regulations.