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中国有很多非正统内容的书籍。There's lots of books with heterodox ideas published in China.

保罗没有过分迁就我某些更显异端的经济学思路。Paul did not indulge some of my more heterodox economic thinking.

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头脑聪明的人说,对爱尔兰俩来说,这些非正统的选项连一个都不存在。None of these heterodox options are available to Ireland, say the wise heads.

我拒绝回答丁太太的问题,这问题使我觉得有点邪道。I declined answering Mrs Dean's question, which struck me as something heterodox.

因此他们在伊斯兰教中并没有受到高度重视,反被视为异端。So that's why they're not highly regarded in Islam, because they're kind of Heterodox.

艾丽丝。阿姆斯丹是一位非正统政治经济学研究专家。Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy. She is currently the Barton L.

这一时期,可以看出持异端的知识分子还是有一定生存“自由度”的。Duringthis period, can be seen holding heterodox intellectuals still have a certain survival"freedom" in.

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在儒家思想史上,荀子主张性恶,常被视为儒家异端。Xunzi held that human nature is evil, thus being often considered to be heterodox in the history of Confucianism.

非正统的诺斯替派的两位导师,在公元二世纪中叶期间,分别两次游历海外。Two teachers of Gnostic, heterodox repute, traveled abroad at different times during the middle of the second century AD.

如果某段时间里出现思想活跃的民众,那是因为对于异端思想的恐惧在那段时间里暂时终止了。While any people has made a temporary approach to such a character , it has been because the dread of heterodox was for a time suspended.

与中国历史大背景下戏剧“旁门”地位不同,浙江文化本身孕育着浓厚的戏剧传统。Different from drama 's heterodox position in the background of Chinese history, Zhejiang culture has a glorious dramatic tradition in itself.

更广泛的认识是,奥巴马先生在一年的任期内完全胜任工作,虽然沉稳但绝对不墨守陈规。More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton's first year.

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即使是中产阶级,在这生命充满了非正统的方式,他们可能发现难以满足真正拉达尔马教师或发现的路径解放。Even if they are middle class, in this life full of heterodox ways, they may find it difficult to meet true Dharma teachers or to discover the path to liberation.

他赞同一元论的异端观点,一元论也叫做万物有灵论或者生机论,强调肉体和灵魂没有界限。He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.

他赞同一元论的异端观点,一元论也叫做万物有灵论或者生机论,强调肉体和灵魂没有界限。He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.

三场另类的“哥白尼革命”导致身体教育学再次复兴,教育由此而关注整个身体的生长而不只是关注脑袋的发展。Body-based Pedagogy is revived with the three heterodox Copernican revolutions, which urges education to concentrate on the growth of whole body other than the head exclusively.

正因为此,在漫长的岁月里,犹太文明常常被视为“外来”的甚至“异端”的东西,以至受到客居地主体文明的强烈冲击乃至挤压。For this reason, the Jewish civilization has, over the long years, often been considered something "alien" or even " heterodox ", usually squeezed and assaulted by the host civilization.

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其被认为是“异端”的诸多观点,都受先秦儒家的巨大影响,或是继承,或是发展和延续。A lot of his viewpoints, which were considered heterodox , were greatly influenced by Pre-Qin Confucianism, that is, they are either the succession, or development or continuation of Confucianism.

如苏格拉底持非正统信念的个体,他们的观点,可能激励其它人反省,及内思,所有的好人,米尔顿,洛克及像伏尔泰等人,都做过类似的申辩。Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.