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一些研究表明它比可待因更能抑制咳嗽。Some studies suggest it is better at suppressing coughs than codeine.

安嗽灵的镇咳效用相当于或强于可待因。Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.

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然而,最危险的是鸦片类药物,其中包括含可待因和吗啡。However, the most dangerous are the opiates, which include codeine and morphine.

阿司匹林和布洛芬会导致致命的出血,可待因会引起严重的便秘。Aspirin and ibuprofen can cause fatal bleeding and codeine can cause severe constipation.

我们中的一个人想出一条妙计—让他服点可待因药,于是立即减轻了他的咳嗉。One of us got the bright idea of giving him some codeine , which soothed the cough at once.

您的医生可能会处方对乙酰氨基酚或可待因例如,如果您是在一些不适。Your doctor may prescribe paracetamol or codeine for example, if you are in some discomfort.

每四小时服一片可待因和两片阿土匹林,两天以后再回来。Take one codeine pill with two aspirins every four hours. I'd like you to come back in two days.

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方法灵敏、准确,可快速鉴别氢可酮、可待因、双氢可待因等结构相似药物。This method is sensitive and rapid for the determination of hydrocodone, codeine and dihydrocodeine.

洛哌丁胺或磷酸可待因,可无处方在英国,往往是安全和非常有效。Loperamide or codeine phosphate, available without prescription in the UK are often safe and very effective.

磷酸可待因仅用于止痛方面,以上的警告和副作用应该要记住。Codeine is used only in combination with other analgesics and the above warnings and side effects should be adhered to.

他垂头丧气地离开了肖申克,就像个有气无力地到医务室讨药吃的老囚犯。On his last day he shuffled out with his head down like an old con shuffling down to the infirmary for his codeine pills.

这样可以帮助他们更有效和经济地控制生物加工装置以生产可待因和其他镇痛类药物。This could help them produce codeine and other opiate drugs more efficiently and economically in controlled bioprocessing facilities.

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欧克西克锭一种麻醉性的生物碱,C18H21NO4,和可待因有关的,用作止育药和镇静药,主要以其盐酸化物盐的形式存在。A narcotic alkaloid , C18H21NO4 , related to codeine , used as an analgesic and a sedative chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride salt.

熊果苷是一种天然存在的物质,具有抗菌、镇咳和利尿等功能,近年来作为美白添加剂广泛应用于化妆品中。Arbutin is a kind of nature products, and the compound is introduced exhibiting some functions, such as antibiosis , codeine and diuresis.

药物利用指数从大到小依次为吗啡注射液、芬太尼、哌替啶、吗啡控释片、可待因。Arranged in order of drug utilization index, the sequence was morphine injection, fentanyl, pethidine, morphine controlled-release tablet and codeine.

英国的科学家发现,可可碱的止咳功效要比可待因高出近三成,它直接作用于迷走神经,而这便是导致久咳不止的根源所在。Previous research by London’s National Heart and Lung Institute found that theobromine is 33 per centmore effective than codeine at stopping coughing.

以及警察也不能测试古柯碱或者海洛的踪迹,因这些毒品同合法的流行性感冒止痛镇咳药会混淆起来。And police will not be able to test for cocaine or heroin as traces of those drugs might be confused with codeine legally used in cold and flu medicines.

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但是该研究结果确实是个好消息,吴说道。他本人并不喜欢给小孩们应用可待因来治疗疼痛,因为“它使孩子们昏昏沉沉。”,他说道。But the results are actually good news, Woo said. He personally does not like to use codeine for kids' pain management because "it spaces them out, " he said.

螺内酯、可待因等可引起药物超敏反应综合征、氨苯砜和万古霉素等分别可引起氨苯砜综合征及红人综合征。Spironolactone and codeine can cause drug hypersensitivity syndrome, while dapsone and vancomycin can cause dapsone syndrome and red-man syndrome respectively.

采用反相离子对高效液相色谱法同时测定博士止咳露中盐酸苯肾上腺素、磷酸可待因、盐酸伪麻黄碱的含量。A reversed phase ion pair HPLC method has been developed for the determination of phenylephrine HCl, codeine phosphate and psudoephedrineHCl in doctor cough syrup.