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破产的时候他们确实会变现。They do liquidate in bankruptcy, yes.

消除他们的疑虑是有可能的。It is possible to liquidate their doubts.

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但眼下不要抛掉你持有的股票。But don't liquidate your stock holdings just yet.

大部分分析人士认为Inouye将清算公司。Most analysts assumed that Inouye would liquidate the company.

政府试图清肃反叛运动,结果失败了。The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.

债务总会被清偿,唯一的问题是你会怎样偿还。Debt is always liquidated. The only question is how you liquidate debt.

他们已经决定在下月底之前对公司进行清理。They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.

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清算劳工,清算股票,清算农民,清算房地产。Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate.

如果Annaly不能及时借钱还上到期的回购协议贷款,它有可能被迫进行资产清算。If Annaly couldn't replace maturing repos, it could be forced to liquidate assets.

一旦美国国债市场稳定下来,我们可以出手更多手中的美国国债。Once the US Treasury market stabilizes we can liquidate more of our holdings of Treasuries.

窗台前的储物柜可以帮助他们养成整理物品的习惯。Before windowsill store the habit that content ark can help their nurturance liquidate goods.

卖掉法拉利,卖掉股票,在里面挑个牛逼的计时器吧。Sell the Ferrari, liquidate the stocks, and pick up one of these bad-ass timekeeping devices.

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但是这个方案在周日无疾而终,导致雷曼只能被迫停业。But that plan fell apart on Sunday, all but assuring that Lehman would be forced to liquidate.

法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation.

盖特纳解释说,联邦政府有权接管和清算破产银行。As Geithner explained, the federal government has the power to take over and liquidate failed banks.

“清算劳工,清算股市,清算农场主,清算房地产,”他冷酷地建议。“Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate, ” he coldly advised.

指按当前市场的现汇汇率结算所持有的远期外汇期货合约的成本。It refers to the cost used to liquidate outstanding foreign exchange forward contracts at the spot rate.

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但它的一些业务可能由另一个汽车制造商来接手,也可能被迫进行清算。But some of its operations could be taken over by another automaker or it could even be forced to liquidate.

如果那些承保人不必进行巨额理赔,他们就大可不必清算国债之类的资产。If those insurers don't have to make massive payments, they probably won't have to liquidate assets like JGBs.

如果对冲基金要定期清偿资产,我们就看不到过去报告过的公示收益。If hedge funds had to regularly liquidate assets, we would not see the spectacular returns reported in the past.