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放心吧,这个不容易褪色。Don"t worry , this is not easy to discolor."

你的校服有脱色的现象吗?Had you ever discover your school uniform discolor?

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以免造成变色或布料损坏。Otherwise, it may cause discolor or damage for cloth.

当然,抽烟和一些药物治疗也有可能引起牙齿褪色。Smoking and some medications can also discolor teeth.

巴克使用的不锈钢并不容易变色。Stainless steel, which is what Buck uses, does not discolor easily.

这些都在鳃是不正常的苍白褪色的地区,她说。These are pale discolor areas on the gills that is not normal, she says.

此外,空气中的化学物质会氧化或变色的支架。In addition, chemicals in the air will oxidize or discolor the mountings.

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黑色磨砂漆包线内部不褪色或生锈,更好的获取与使用。Black matte enameled interior does not discolor or rust and gets better with use.

特别灵活的乙烯,不会随着时间而变色或分解。Exceptionally flexible made of vinyl that will not discolor or decompose with age.

这个病疫得名于它会使玉米的叶子褪色,变成黄白色。The disease gets its name from streaks of yellow and white that discolor the leaves.

不能用铝锅,因为铝会让白色酱汁变色,特别是那些加了葡萄酒或蛋黄的白色酱汁。Aluminum tends to discolor a white sauce, particularly one containing wine oregg yolks.

这个病疫得名于它会使玉米的叶子褪色,变成黄白色。The disease gets its name from the streaks of yellow and white that discolor the leaves.

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目的探讨翻白草对高血脂大鼠和家兔的降血脂作用。Objective To study Discolor Cinquefoil Herb on blood fat of hyperlipemia rats and rabbits.

干燥可以逐渐完成,而且可以控制烘焦和变色的趋势。Drying can be accomplished gradually, and tendencies to scorch and discolor are within control.

它也正成为热点,足以变色氧化可以视为对全尺寸照片。It also is becoming hot enough to discolor with oxidation which can be seen on the full size pic.

搪瓷铸铁很容易导热,搪瓷表面也不会使食物脱色,而且还很容易清洗。It conducts heat very well, its enameled surface does not discolor foods, and it is easy to clean.

目的探讨翻白草对实验性糖尿病大鼠的降血糖作用。Objective To investigate the hypoglycemic effects of extract of Potentilla discolor Bunge on experimental diabetes in rats.

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SH系中间砧的矮化程度影响红富士苹果叶片的变色指数以及叶绿素、可溶性糖、淀粉的含量。The dwarfing degree of SH interstocks could affect the discolor index and the contents of chlorophyll, amylum, and soluble sugar.

同时传授农民、园艺工人和其他栽培人员如何对抗那些摧毁珍贵作物和美丽风景的病毒。They teach farmers, gardeners, and other plant growers how to fight viruses that can ruin a valuable crop or discolor a beautiful landscape.

铜锅是最最好用的,因为铜锅能够很好地保温和传热,锅子内壁的镀锡层也不会造成食物脱色。Copper pots are the most satisfactory of all to cook in, as they hold and spread the heat well, and their tin lining does not discolor foods.