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我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。I did three big portraits of Tennessee.

我记得那一夜和那首田纳西华尔滋。I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz.

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大烟山国家公园位于田纳西州和北卡罗来纳州交界处。It's located in Tennessee and North Carolina.

我记得那一夜和那首田纳西华尔兹。I remember the night and the "Tennessee Waltz.

后来全家搬到田纳西州诺克斯维尔。Later the family moved to Knoxville, Tennessee.

事实上,他在贫穷的田纳西乡下长大。In fact, he grew up dirt-poor in rural Tennessee.

蓝调,乡村音乐和灵魂乐融于田纳西州,孟菲斯。Blues, Country and Soul Mix in Memphis, Tennessee.

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让自由之声从田纳西州的瞭望山响起来吧!Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

我与爱人随著田纳西华尔滋起舞。I was dancing with my darling to the Tennessee Waltz.

让自由之声响彻田纳西州的望山!Lett freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

在我们一起画画时,我向田纳西请教有关写作的建议。As we painted, I asked Tennessee for advice on writing.

所以他绑架了女儿回到他们在田纳西乡间的家乡。So he hijacks her to their hometown in rural Tennessee.

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有一天,田纳西河沿岸出现了暴风雨。One day a thunderstorm blew up along the Tennessee River.

但那得克萨斯的黄玫瑰是田纳西人的最爱。But the Yellow Rose of Texas beats the belles of Tennessee.

田纳西州,哈特福德,金河,污染造成的泡沫。Foam from Pollution, The Pigeon River, Hartford, Tennessee.

当时大家都知道他是一位来自田纳西州的拓荒者。He was known as a frontiersman from the state of Tennessee.

田纳西州的纳什维尔和旧金山很不一样吗?Is Nashville, Tennessee a lot different from San Francisco?

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它们是幸运的,在特纳西有这样以前从未有过的一个地方。Luckily for them, there’s a place in Tennessee that hasn’t.

他只想回到田纳西的。Eastrod All he wanted was to get back to Eastrod, Tennessee.

如果美国队长有一条狗的话,那一定非田纳西州的特瓦莫属。If Captain America had a dog, it would be Tva, of Tennessee.