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美国防部副部长费斯结束了对中国的访问。U. S. Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith just concluded his visit to China.

同时也曾担任国际事务财务部门的次长。He has also worked as undersecretary of the Treasury Department for international affairs.

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在目前半自治的南部苏丹,唐是分管野生动物的副部长,总部设在省会城市朱巴。Tong is the undersecretary for wildlife in semi-autonomous southern Sudan, based in Juba, the capital.

所以,美国国务次卿伯恩斯出席日内瓦会议,被普遍视为是美国政策的转变。So, the presence of Undersecretary Burns at the Geneva meeting was widely seen as a shift in U.S. policy.

当蒂姆•盖特纳当副财长之时,他是克林顿总统的最后一任财长。He was President Clinton's last Treasury secretary, at the same time that Tim Geithner was undersecretary.

而且我还任命负责经济事务的副国务斯图·艾森施塔特为副财务部长。I also named Stu Eizenstat, the undersecretary of state for economic affairs, to be deputy Treasury secretary.

但是,常任秘书长可以和他一起搭电梯,并不停地指责他。However, the Permanent Undersecretary can ride the elevator with him and have serious words, which is what he does.

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没错,曾担任国际事务财务部次长,任职于布什政府,时下经济到底有多糟呢?Right as Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in the administration of Gorge W. Bush How bad is it?

沃尔纳指的是美国国务次卿伯恩斯在赴日内瓦之前跟国际原子能机构领导人举行的会谈。Warner was alluding to discussions Undersecretary of State Burns had with the head of the IAEA before coming to Geneva.

伪满洲国政权的行政运作,就是通过总务厅、次长制来实现的。The administrative operation of the puppet regime was achieved through office of general services and undersecretary system.

“这是这个国家做过的最蠢的事,”海军副司令金贝尔说,他企图把钱留下。"It was the stupidest thing this country ever did, " said Undersecretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, who tried to keep Qian in the U.

他们说,政府已派国家军备控制副部长艾伦去日内瓦协助达成协议。The administration sent Ellen O. Tauscher, the undersecretary of state for arms control, to Geneva to help seal the deal, they said.

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周末,美国财政次长大卫。麦考密克参加了在巴西召开的20国财政大臣峰会,回国后,他对此计划表示赞扬。U. S. Treasury Undersecretary David McCormick hailed the plan after returning from a weekend meeting of G-20 finance ministers in Brazil.

布什政府派遣美国国务院排名第三号的官员、国务次卿伯恩斯出席此次会谈。The Bush administration has sent the U.S. State Departments third ranking official, Undersecretary of State William Burns, to these talks.

布什政府派遣美国国务院排名第三号的官员、国务次卿伯恩斯出席此次会谈。The Bush administration has sent the U.S. State Department's third ranking official, Undersecretary of State William Burns, to these talks.

这是信息产业部副部长蒋耀平在今天召开的中国电信集团公司2008年工作会议上透露的。This is the Chinese telecommunication that MII undersecretary Jiang Yaoping holds today group company disclosed on working conference 2008.

斯考斯基在这次访问期间也将和负责武器控制及国际安全事务的国务次卿约翰。鲁德会谈。Sikorski's Washington visit, which will also include talks with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Rood.

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弗里德和负责防务政策的美国国防部次长埃德尔曼在谈到未来美俄关系面临的挑战的时候使用了强硬的措辞。Fried and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Eric Edelman used strong language in characterizing the challenges ahead in U.S.-Russian relations.

阿基诺星期一表示,这份名单包括马尼拉市长林雯洛,前菲律宾警察总监韦索扎以及内政部副部长普洛。Mr. Aquino said Monday the list includes Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim, former national police chief Jesus Versoza and Interior Undersecretary Rico Puno.

在他的新社论中,曾在乔治·W·布什政府担任能源部科学国务次卿的奥巴赫声称,众议院的预算削减是“毁灭性的”。In his new editorial, Orbach -- who served as DOE's undersecretary for science under President George W. Bush -- called the House cuts "devastating."