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这个子句不能独立运行。This clause cannot be run independently.

独立于此例的紧急性之外Independently of the exigency of the case

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但是那些鼓手的演奏不独立。But those drummers didn't play independently.

行和列能独立分块。Rows and columns can be binned independently.

每个帐户可独立设置费率标准。Each account can be set up independently rates.

自信有守业能力,并能独立地从业。The power to initihad and operhad independently.

能独立画二维图。Able to draw two-dimensional chart independently.

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有守业能耐,并能独立地从业。The ability to initiate or operate independently.

首先,让学生自主阅读课文。Firstly, let the students read text independently.

滴滴出行称,优步将继续在中国独立运营。Uber will continue to operate independently in China.

这样,每个报告都能够独立地重新生成。This way, each report can be regenerated independently.

此外,我们有我们的产品自主检测。In addition, we have our products independently assayed.

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卫报的报道未能得到单方面确证。The Guardian report could not be independently verified.

可以独立地加载并卸载这些子单元。These subunits can be loaded and unloaded independently.

每个子类的值必须零丁设置。The values have to be set in each subclass independently.

黄秋莲说,奇美电子是独立运营的。Ms. Huang said that Chimei Innolux operates independently.

您可租一辆自行车参观美丽的圣彼得堡。Rent a bike or car, to see Saint Petersburg independently.

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因此,不能独立地删除子过程。Therefore, you cannot delete child processes independently.

巴赫要求你能够一只手弹奏颤音,而不依靠另一只手。Bach wants you to trill one hand independently of the other.

然而,菔务仍然独立于彼此运垳。However, services still operate independently of each other.