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何时迁移?When to migrate?

燕子秋天往南方迁徙。Swallows migrate south in autumn.

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沙丘常往内陆移动。The dunes usually migrate inland.

有些鸟随季节迁徙。Some birds migrate as season changes.

这个季节正是鱼洄游的时候。This is the season when fish migrate.

许多鸟类每年冬季都移栖南方。Many birds migrate southward every winter.

这些BPDU都会变成只有根桥接器在送。These BPDUs migrate toward the root bridge.

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每年春季它们都向海滨移栖。Every spring they migrate towards the coast.

当然,您当然可以继续进行并迁移。Of course, you can still proceed and migrate.

然后,你就可以一次一个页面地进行迁移。You can then migrate your pages one at a time.

玉兰也几步移过来。Magnolia also several steps migrate to come over.

大多数鸟迁徙时要飞很远的路程。Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.

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大多数鸟迁徙时要飞很远的路程。Large numbers of birds migrate south every winter.

中性离子的迁移速度则与电渗流一致。Neutrals migrate with the same velocity as the EOF.

燕子,野雁和白鹭每年都移居。Swallows, wild geese and egrets migrate every year.

迁移到另一个提供者的能力如何?What is the ability to migrate to another provider?

一些鱼类回游到此水段来繁殖后代。Some fish migrate to this section of water to breed.

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它们在降解以后,磷酸盐会进入土壤。As they degrade, the phosphates migrate into the soil.

尤以夏季鲸鱼迁徙时多发。Especially in summer when the whales migrate multiple.

可能的解释是它们随着季节变迁进行垂直性迁徙。It is possible that they migrate altitudinally with season.