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化作了风中之尘。Dust in the wind.

我是一团灰尘。I'm a cloud of dust.

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直到我的身躯化成灰。Till my body is dust.

灰土飘浮于空中。Dust floats in the air.

背负着俗世的浮尘和愧罪。Guilty of dust and sin.

他把灰尘扫走了。He swept the dust away.

他的心,死了。His heart, in the dust.

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这一切只不过是风中的微尘。All is dust in the wind.

拂去梳妆台的灰尘。Dust the dressing table.

切勿吸入粉尘。S22 Do not breathe dust.

这种布聚灰。This cloth gathers dust.

雨把尘土变成了软泥。Rain turns dust into mud.

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飞尘使他打喷嚏。The dust made him sneeze.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The shower laid the dust.

阵雨过后,空气清新。A shower settled the dust.

黑灰呈云状扬起。Black dust rose in clouds.

红尘深处,雾蔼苍苍。Red Dust deep gray fog Oi.

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一场阵雨于尘埃不再飞扬。A shower has laid the dust.

人生来如风雨,去如微尘。Life like rain, go as dust.

请使用风枪吹去铁屑等杂物。Remove dust using air blow.