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亦非苏丹或法老居高司号令。Sultan or Chief in high command.

萨拉丁和麾下精锐卫队。The Sultan Saladin and his bodyguard.

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里迟亚斯兰苏丹和他的精锐卫队。The Sultan Qilich Arslan and his bodyguard.

苏丹在歌唱,豺狗倒在了树林里。The Sultan sings and a Jackal falls in the forest.

阿拉丁的妈妈把她儿子的愿望向苏丹王禀告。Aladdin's mother told the sultan about her son's wish.

所有人都完全听命于苏丹王,由着他随心所欲。Everyone was entirely subject to the whim of the Sultan.

还可以到苏丹花钱建造的新清真寺参观。You also can visit the new mosque paid for by the Sultan.

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苏丹把林茂和林吉割让给荷兰人,以作保证。As a safeguard Sultan ceded Rembau and Linggi to the Dutch.

苏丹的女儿是不会嫁给穷小子的。The daughters of a Sultan do not marry poor boys from the city.

文莱的苏丹和巴林的王子和科威特的酋长都会参加婚礼。The Sultan of Brunei will attend, along with the Sheikh of Kuwait.

那位老人匍匐着从地板上爬过去吻苏丹的脚。That old man groveled across the floor to kiss the feet of the Sultan.

这过程怎么跑出一个长住在新加坡的苏丹?为什么在甘榜格南还有座苏丹王宫?。Why was there a Sultan living in Singapore and an Istana Kampong Glam?

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苏丹禁卫军主要职责为保护苏丹王室及苏丹宫殿。The main role of the Tabardariyya is to guard the Sultan and the palace.

访问期间,胡锦涛主席与苏丹陛下举行了会谈。II. During the visit, President Hu Jintao had a meeting with H.M. Sultan.

在17世纪,苏丹木拉四世禁止吸烟,违者处死。In the 17th century, Sultan Murad IV banned smoking on the pain of death.

苏丹杯则是东南亚队伍的邀请赛。The Sultan"s Cup is an invitational tournament for teams of Southeast Asia.

我很我很高兴索科托州选择这样一个优秀的苏丹。I want to congratulate the state government for choosing a consensus Sultan.

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阿卜杜拉国王指定自己的同父异母哥哥苏丹.本.阿卜杜阿齐兹王子为继承人。King Abdullah appointed his stepbrother Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz as heir.

我儿子告诉苏丹穆力·阿伯德·艾尔·拉哈曼我们已经买了多少书。My son told Sultan Moulay Abd Al-Rahman of the quantity of books I had bought.

宫廷卫队为土耳其禁卫骑兵,对苏丹无比忠诚。Qapukulu, 'court slaves', are household cavalry regiments loyal to the Sultan.