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她给丈夫做了一顿美餐。She cooked her economise a delicious meal.

你可以在牛仔裤上省钱但是车子可不行。You can economise on jeans but not on cars.

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只要我们节省一些,是能过得去的。我会如数归还你的。We can get along if we economise. I'll pay you back all right.

他也可能会按照自己的利益和需求缩减开支。He may even be able to turn the need to economise to his advantage.

我觉得在中国一个可行的方法是节约。I think that a feasible method for China to employ is to economise.

采用薄壁轴承,可以简化结构设计,降低重量并节省成本。The use of thin section boings can simplify structural design, reduce weight and economise on cost.

资方决定节省开支,裁减劳动力中的冗员,这样可以减少工资支出。The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,thus reducing the wages bill.

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这种从分散到集中的招聘趋势表明经济需求和应聘人员过剩。This trend from decentralised to centralised recruiting reflects a need to economise and a glut of applicants.

缺乏供求信息将同时使得供应商和贸易商难以计划、节约和优化他们的经济活动。Lack of access to information about demand and supply makes it difficult for both suppliers and traders to plan, economise and improve their activities.

我很不情愿地决定在旅途中节省每一分钱,所以在撒马尔罕,我只能在一家背包客旅馆找了一间宿舍入住。With no guarantee that it would be working when I finally got there, I grudgingly decided that I had to economise and so ended up in a dormitory room at Samarkand's cheapest backpacker hostel.