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他可以用发夹打开任何门上的锁。He can hairpin any door open.

等等一支玉簪值九百万?。Hang on. A hairpin worth nine million?

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剩摘繁枝簪几朵。Grateloupia several flower hairpin left.

那道峡谷像不像一根长长的碧玉簪?Does that gorge look like a long jade hairpin?

这是头上簪菊的变俗。This is on hairpin chrysanthemum changes vulgarly.

经过一个接一个的U形弯道,松树林取代了雨林。Hairpin followed hairpin, rainforest gave way to pine.

她在发簪的前端粘了一朵小花。She stuck a small flower onto the front of her hairpin.

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玉簪流落到光秃的潘家园?And the jade hairpin was drifted into the bald Panjiayuan?

因没有工具,她使用一支发针及一钮钩。In default of tools , she used a hairpin and a buttonhook.

莫干山上下都是一十八盘。There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain.

在一连串的发卡型弯道上,路一下子变得非常陡峭。The road immediately climbed steeply in a series of hairpin turns.

簪钗一划浪滔滔,从此恨海苦煎熬。Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging, the bitter suffering from hate.

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这个半月形的发卡戴在她的头发上真好看。It looks very nice when she wears the half-moon hairpin in her hair.

如果连这枚草簪都无法拥有,我们怎能不痛哭流涕呢?If we couldn't have the hairpin , how can we do not burst into tears?

在比赛进行到第51圈时,雷克南因赛车隔热板突然着火被迫退出比赛。On lap 51 Kimi retired with a heat shield fire coming of the hairpin.

插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。Cornel and hairpin chrysanthemum in the Tang Dynasty has been very common.

但如果你是在一条坑洼的山路上转弯,那么千万要慢慢来。But if you’re doing hairpin turns on a dirt road in the mountains, slow down.

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活拜马场有个又急又窄的弯位,巴巴多斯的跑道也十分狭窄。There's a hairpin bend at Woodbine and the track in Barbados was very compact.

能形成终止型发夹结构而使在操纵子进行的转录停止。Can form a terminating hairpin structure that stops transcription of the operon.

她用金簪画出了银河隔开了这对夫妻。She separated the couple by drawing a river, the Milky Way, with her hairpin between them.