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而我是条黄束带。I got a yellow stripe.

水平横杆,水平线,水平条。A horizontal bar, line, or stripe.

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最后一个设备,又是条带And the last device, again a stripe

平版印刷的八角形的图标条纹,向下前。Litho-printed octagon icon stripe down front.

发现对于条形台面,氧化物生长遵循线性生长规律。A linear growth law is found for stripe mesas.

一个醒目的外观矮胖的条纹图案。Chunky stripe pattern for an eye-catching look.

硫化橡胶底的对比条纹。Vulcanized rubber midsole with contrast stripe.

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他地兄弟属于最不入流地政客。6。His brother is a politician of the worst stripe.

这根石柱有一条螺线的装饰条纹。The stone pillar has a decorating spiral stripe.

加法器有一个黑暗的曲折条纹他们回来。Adders have a dark zigzag stripe down their back.

黑条缺陷是黑丝缺陷的密集形态。Black stripe is the congregation of the black silk.

用带有亮粉的甲油斜斜的在中央刷更厚。Paint a diagonal stripe of more glitter on the nail.

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GT式——近似于3级基本式,只不过处理成了GT式运动条纹模样。Similar to Basic 3X but with a sporty GT stripe look.

该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。The mutant showed white stripe on stem, leaf and spikelet.

将丰富的肥皂溶液涂到饰条胶合剂背面。Apply soap solution liberally to adhesive backing of stripe.

瓜正椭圆形,果形规整,条纹美观属大果型。Melon is oval, shape neat, beautiful of big fruit type stripe.

吉州窑天目釉瓷因具独特的斑纹和色彩而享有盛名。Jizhou kiln temoku were noted for its particular stripe and color.

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请注意蓝色螺旋纹上强烈的运动错觉。Notice the strong illusory motion along the blue spiraling stripe.

每个州都能有一个星星来代表它,而并非一条横纹。Each new state would get its own star on the flag, but not a stripe.

淡至浓的浅紫色,或白色花。超小榄型锯齿叶。Light to dark lilac, white flower. Tiny stripe pointed edges leaves.