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他对有权势者谄媚。He is obsequious to men in power.

不,请让我在你心里长保忠贞。No, let me be obsequious in thy heart.

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他是一个对老板卑躬屈膝的人。He is a worker who is obsequious to the boss.

如果你不这样奉承我的话,我会非常愉快的。It would please me your not being obsequious.

钱德勒黄鼠狼似的脸上现出了谄媚的笑容。Chandler's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile.

“就是你我自己,先生。”堂倌奉承道。"It was yourself, monsieur, " said the obsequious waiter.

不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人。Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people.

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用拍马屁和谄媚的态度来取悦,引起注意。To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.

在赞美和奉承之间有微妙的区别。It's a fine line between expressing admiration and being obsequious.

在赞美和奉承之间有微妙旳差别。It 's a fine line between expressing admiration and being obsequious.

尽管语气中颇有敬意,有时候甚至逢迎,但他很谨慎。Though his tone was respectful, sometimes obsequious , he was also canny.

谄媚的画笔迁就狭窄的画布而削减了真实。The obsequious brush curtails truth in deference to the canvas which is narrow.

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谄媚的经理助手惹恼了部分内的其他人员。The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department.

即使他有奉承之意,我仍然认为去接这份工作,他够有勇气的了。Granted his obsequious manner , I still think he's ambitious enough to do the job.

如你认为你有把握得到这份工作的话,你可能会觉得一条感谢条没有必要或甚至是奉承。If you think you've got the job, you might think a thank-you note is unnecessary or even obsequious.

但我从不这么叫他,因为我尊重这个似乎一直唯唯诺诺的胖教练。But I never call him this way, for I've always respected the fat coach who seemed to be always obsequious.

孤独者是高尚的,不会随波逐流,不会奴颜婢膝地去媚势。The standing alone is classic, will not trend blindly, will not go to power obsequious servile behaviorly.

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你们听吧,听到那隆隆鼓声开始响起,它预示著滚滚而来的巨浪正投射向你们这卑微的彼岸。Hear ye, hear ye the drum roll begins, an usher to the rolling waves catapulting towards your obsequious shores.

一个人在家里受惯了泼妇的教训,到外面是最容易处处随和,事事顺从。Those men are most apt to be obsequious and conciliating abroad, who are under the discipline of shrews at home.

这些频道轮番询问普京一系列礼貌性的问题,从恭敬到谄媚。The channel heads took turns asking Putin a series of polite questions that ranged from deferential to obsequious.