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后来一个村民在阿里巴巴上卖出去了很多。A villager sold the lot on Alibaba. com.

你不想当滕头村的村民了吗?。Don't you want to be a Tengtou villager?

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这种生活正是每个普通村民的生活。And a life every other villager will know about.

很显然,它最后被当地村民杀害并食用。Apparently he was killed and eaten by a local villager.

李村出的伟人。充充路过,没能细看。Great villager of Li Cun. Hastely passing by, no details viewed.

消息传的很快,第二天全村人都知道了。News spread out fast and every The villager knew it the next day.

我没注意有哪个村民拜访它和知道它。I am not aware that a single villager frequents it or knows of it.

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“青蛙的数量成千上万,”某村民向当地报社提到。"There were thousands of them, " a villager told a local newspaper.

每个村民都递交了一份志愿书表明他的决心。Every villager handed in an application to express his determination.

繁华的大都市,能碰上乡人真不容易。It is very difficult to encounter a fellow villager in this big city.

后来,那个同乡逐步撤出,吴金荣便独自包下了整层皮草城。Wu began to run the market on his own after his fellow villager withdrew.

“我们很欢迎你们的到来,”一个村民通过翻译告诉美国人。“Weare happy to have them here now,” a villager said through a translator.

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村民能使用这种价廉电话卡给国内任何人打电话。Using the inexpensive phone card, a villager can call anyone in the country.

村民拉达.瑞塔普说︰「假如没有他,我们早就没命了。」"If not for him, most of us would be dead by now, " villager Lada Rentap said.

江先生和他的妻子、两个儿子和女儿生活在当地的璻之村。Mr. JIANGs a native villager of Zui lived with his wife, 2 sons and a daughter.

在民警的追问下,青年承认山羊是刚从一户村民的羊棚里偷来的。Confronted by the police, he admitted the goat was stolen by him from a villager.

就这样,那个村民听说官文之后,就放了那只狗。This was done, and when the villager heard of it, he released the dog from his house.

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在靠近金边的干丹省,一个尼姑把一只淡水龟送到村民嘴边。A nun holds a terrapin to the mouth of a villager in Kandal province, near Phnom Penh.

村民们心不甘,便将这笔钱邮汇到了县城。The villager people the heart is unwilling, reached this money remit by post the town.

傍晚,我们看到一个村民绕着佛塔顺时针走了一圈,这座塔的高度已经超过了山谷。At dawn, a villager walked clockwise around a white stupa, set high up over the valley.