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嗨,利夫。听说你要去意大利了,是真的吗?Hi, Leif. I heard that you would go to Italy, really?

阿桑奇的辩护律师赖伊夫·西尔贝斯基没有回电发表评论。Assange's defense lawyer Leif Silbersky didn't answer calls seeking comment.

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LEIF是位王子,英俊沉稳,出生便拥有王室最精美的宝石项鍊。LEIF was a prince, handsome and sedate. He owned a delicate royal precious stone when he was born.

赖伊夫按照比阿尼的指示,航行到了被认为是目前加拿大海岸的地方。Leif followed Biarni's directions and sailed to is believed to be the coast of present day Canada.

然后,让你的LEIF具有其它服务的服务与创造灵活地结合,并完全兼容。Then, simply couple your LEIF services with other services to create flexible, composite applications.

赖伊夫依照比阿尼的指点,航行到被认为是现在的加拿大海岸所在地。Leif followed Biarni's directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada.

顺便说一下,约翰森的父亲雷夫在74年曾经是瑞典戴维斯杯成员,博格的队友。By the way, Johansson's father Leif was a former Davis Cup player for Sweden and a teammate of the legendary Borg in 1974.

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之后他被彼得克劳奇换下,被担架抬进了休息室,英格兰的队医检查了他的膝盖。He was replaced by Peter Crouch and stretchered to the physio room, where England team doctor Leif Sward examined the knee.

在暗藏争斗的皇室中,LEIF有项鍊的守护,都可以化险为夷。In the royalty that was hidden with conflicts and struggles, LEIF could always avoid risks with the protection of the necklace.

这首曲子随即带来很大反响,之后分别被著名的钢琴家,例如阿瑟。鲁宾斯坦,以及更近代一些的,利夫?奥韦?安兹涅斯重新录制。Hugely popular, the piece has been recorded by pianists as well known as Arthur Rubinstein and, more recently, Leif Ove Andsnes.

1002年,埃里克·雷德的儿子赖伊夫打算向西航行,他同比阿尼一起讨论他的计划。In the year 1002, when Eric the Red's son Leif was planning a trip further west, Biarni was the man with whom Leif discussed his plans.

澳大利亚的雷夫塞尔比在草地滚球滚球期间在新德里英联邦2010年10月13日奥运会男子单打的决赛对阵威尔士'罗布威尔。Australia's Leif Selby bowls against Wales' Rob Weale during the lawn bowls singles men's finals during the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi on October 13, 2010.

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标志着一个明确儿童房设计传统时代的结束,为儿童和家庭成员提供了新的外观和一次崭新的经历。"Playground for Leif" marks a clear end to tradition in childrens room design and offers a new look and a brand new world of experiences for children and family members alike.

北欧海盗探险雷夫埃里克森雕像俯瞰7月30日2009年为Qassiarsuk村,埃里克森的父亲埃里克红十字会成立公元985左右,他在格陵兰岛南部的第一个定居点。A statue of Viking explorer Leif Erikson overlooks the village of Qassiarsuk on July 30, 2009 where Erikson's father Erik the Red founded his first settlement in southern Greenland around 985 AD.