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穿上开士米和丝绸。Wear cashmere and silk.

我们专营羊绒衫。We specialize in cashmere sweaters.

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羊绒具有轻,柔,软,暖等。Cashmere has light, soft, soft, warm etc.

开士米羊毛衫很柔软,但是很贵。Cashmere sweaters are soft and expensive.

喀什米尔山羊通常比安哥拉山羊体形要大。Cashmere goats are usually larger than Angoras.

喀什米尔羊通常比安哥拉羊大。Cashmere goats are usually larger than Angoras.

也许这会是一件没有扣子的开司米羊毛衫。Maybe it's a cashmere cardigan without buttons.

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一问之下,才知道是喀什米尔羊毛。It turned out that the bathrobe is made of cashmere.

你的信用卡就像一件打对折的羊毛大衣。Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere coat.

它具有羊绒和桑蚕丝两者的优点。It has the advantages of both cashmere and mulberry silk.

她需要开士米羊毛的标签来增加年龄的魅力。She needs the tickle of cashmere to enchant for the ages.

一些农民通过为开士米山羊梳理来脱羊毛。Some farmers comb their cashmere goats to remove the hair.

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该天然保护剂特别适用于皮亚琴查山羊绒。It is the natural protection preferred by Piacenza Cashmere.

羊绒衫,质感高雅,触感柔软。Cashmere sweaters are elegant in texture and soft to the touch.

不要贷款去买一件开士米毛衣。Never choose between a mortgage payment and a cashmere sweater.

山羊绒属于稀有的特种动物纤维,是一种较为珍贵的纺织原料。Cashmere is a rare special animal fiber, a noble textile material.

我们买一件开司米毛衣代替朋友的忠告。We buy a cashmere cardigan as a substitute for the counsel of friends.

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科尔于是就称赞了萨伊德身上那件特别雅致的开司米毛衫。Cole complimented Said on his particularly “gorgeous” cashmere sweater.

她让她的狗吃上好的肉排,盖山羊绒毯子,养得太娇了。She pampers her dog with the finest fillet steak and cashmere blankets.

我喜欢用没有花纹但很精致的淡紫色袜子来搭配淡紫色的羊绒衫。I like to match a lilac cashmere sweater with plain but nice lilac socks.