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一个名为大老虎帕夏漫游花园。A large tiger named Pasha roams the garden.

现在,巴夏似乎在做着美好的承诺。Now, Pasha seems to be making good on that promise.

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塞尔夫上校赴埃及去做沙里蒙总督。Colonel Selves was going to Egypt to become Soliman- Pasha.

卡林姆-巴沙会游过去,一个一个的吻她的小小的粉红脚趾头。Karim Pasha would swim to her and kiss her small pink toes one by one.

她不想离开这个曾经和卡林姆-巴沙生活的见证地。She did not want to move away from the site of her life with Karim Pasha.

星期二,基亚尼任命帕夏将军为三军情报局局长。On Tuesday, General Kayani named General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha as the new ISI chief.

苏勒曼·帕沙在1614年缔造了地拉那,1920年地拉那成为了阿尔巴尼亚首都。It was founded in 1614 by Sulejman Pasha and became Albania's capital city in 1920.

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土耳其国灭亡后,达拉·帕沙逃亡到柏林,之后于1921年在那里被刺杀。After the Ottoman collapse, Talat Pasha fled to Berlin and was subsequently murdered there, in 1921.

卡林姆-巴沙率先前往伊斯坦布尔,好在巴德丽姨妈到达之前安排好住宿。Karim Pasha left for Istanbul, where he would arrange accommodations before aunt Badri could join him.

我姨妈相信她敬爱的度母能保佑卡林姆-巴沙渡过苦海。My aunt believed that her beloved Tara would protect Karim Pasha as he crossed the river of suffering.

也许他们对我们的计划一无所知并且他们碰巧被帕夏·达达克兰雇用来防御下水道了也说不定。Perhaps they did not know of our plans and coincidentally hired on with pasha Da'Daclan to guard the sewers.

俄罗斯和亚美尼亚军队与1915年建立了亚美尼亚小国,因此,达拉·帕沙企图惩罚他们。Russian and Armenian forces set up an Armenian mini-state in 1915, and thus Talat Pasha sought to punish them.

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帕夏曾担任军事行动主任,监督在部落地区的军事行动。In his former post as Director of Military Operations, General Pasha oversaw army operations in the tribal areas.

看到中央情报局在巴基斯坦的足迹呈现失控的扩展,巴夏的怒火久久不能平静。Pasha has long been angered by what he sees as an uncontrollably expanding and independent CIA footprint in Pakistan.

帕霞.吾曼尔是中国著名的民族舞蹈家,她将穿上民族舞衣,表演传统新疆舞蹈。Pasha Umer, a famous ethnic dancer in China, will dress in traditional costume and perform Xinjiang Dance to all of you.

她被逼到崩溃的边缘,最后竟妄想着拒绝去相信卡林姆-巴沙已经死了的事实。She was driven to the verge of insanity and in time succumbed to fits of delusion, refusing to believe that Karim Pasha was dead.

帕内塔与帕夏和卡亚尼的关系将在他的新角色中至关重要,如果参议院确认,他将成为国防部长。Panetta's relationship with Pasha and Kayani will be important in his new role, assuming Senate confirmation, as Defense secretary.

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说起土耳其人,达拉·帕沙是现代史上最大种族灭绝之一的亚美尼亚种族灭绝的罪魁祸首。Speaking of the Ottomans, Talat Pasha was the key architect of the Armenian genocide, one of the largest genocides in modern history.

我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。I had been told, but would not credit it , that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha.

我总是幻想一切只是噩梦一场,一觉醒来,国王还会在位,卡林姆-巴沙和我的父亲会重新回到我们身边。I kept thinking it was just a nightmare from which I would awake to find the Shah on the throne and Karim Pasha and my father back among us.