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向侧风方向压住杆。Hold the stick against crosswind.

一股很强的侧风把我们的船吹得倾斜了。A strong crosswind caused our ship to lie along.

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SG方法内在地具有侧风扩散现象。The crosswind diffusion is inherent in the SG scheme.

由于一股猛烈的侧风,船倾斜着航行。The ship sailed laying along because of a strong crosswind.

侧风修正的幅度随着速度的增加而减少。Decreased the left crosswind correction as the airspeed increased.

在操纵过程中,必须考虑到侧风对机体的影响。During this operation we must consider the effect of the left crosswind.

据仿真结果,提出了改善汽车侧风稳定性的措施。Lastly, this paper presents some measures about improving crosswind stability.

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襟翼,用来操纵对机体侧划的补偿…方向舵,用于补偿侧风对航向的影响…Aileron used to compensate the drift in the crosswind and rudder compensate for the heading.

通过实验研究,获得了过山车安全的横风风速范围。Through experimental test the safe wind velocity range of crosswind of roller coaster was obtained.

在强大的侧风长荣航空公司波音777-300,起飞的关西国际机场到台北。In a strong crosswind EVA Air Boeing 777-300, take off for the Kansai International Airport to Taipei.

介绍了某烷基苯装置中钢烟囱横风向振动及防止的措施。This paper presents effective measures for preventing steel stacks in LAB plant from vibrating in crosswind.

自然风特别是横向风对直接空冷机组的安全、经济运行有着重要的影响。Natural wind especially the crosswind has serious effect on the safety and economic operation of direct air-cooled units.

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岸边起重机杆件的风致振动的主要表现形式为横风向的振动,按发生原因称为涡激振动。The main form of the rod wind vibration is crosswind vibration, called the vortex-induced vibration according to the reason.

随着高速铁路的迅速发展,强横风对列车运行安全构成了严重威胁。With the rapid development of the high-speed railway, train safety is under the serious hidden danger brought by the powerful crosswind.

随着我国高速铁路的发展,高速动车组的空气动力学尤其是横风作用下动车组的安全性研究值得重视。As the development of China Railway, the aerodynamics of the high speed EMU, especially the security of it in crosswind is worth emphasizing.

在这些测试中,一个侧风发电机测试对商业喷气发动机用的是侧风影响,成立旁边的试验台。During these tests, a crosswind generator used for testing effects of crosswinds on commercial jet engines was set up next to the test stand.

在左侧风情况下,我们需要踩有舵,并向左控制操纵杆,进行侧风修正。In this situation we need to step the right footboard of rudder and rotate the column to the left in compensate for the left crosswind affection.

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考虑侧风作用下汽车车身的侧倾运动,研究了悬架特性对汽车侧风稳定性的影响。Considering roll motion of vehicle body caused by crosswind, the relationship between suspension characteristic and crosswind stability is studied.

针对飞翼无人机的特性,利用侧航法和侧滑法设计了侧风着陆控制系统,仿真了系统抗侧风干扰的能力并进行了对比分析。Based on the characteristics of flying wing UAVs, crosswind landing control systems were designed through the crabbed method and the side-slipping method.

我说的正常的考核标准是指如下基本技巧——在晴朗天气,侧风10节的条件下的目视进近。By normal standards, I would include being able to master basic tasks like successfully shoot a visual approach with 10 kt crosswind and the weather CAVOK.