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这种标记是可以供计算机读取的。This is computer readable.

这是本非常易读的书This one is very readable.

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签名应该是可辨认的。The signature shall be readable.

这个0.2好像写得不清楚This .2 is not very readable here.

它是现代的、模块化的,且易读的。It is modern, modular, and readable.

首先,测试并不真正可读。First, the test isn't exactly readable.

它将表转储为一种可读的格式。It dumps tables into a readable format.

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基于此,徐志摩的诗歌具有极强的可读性。All this made Xu's poem exteremly readable.

McFerran建议采用简单、清晰易读的格式。McFerran suggests an easily readable format.

文本的字体、字号和颜色应符合阅读习惯。Text font, size, and colour should be readable.

这篇作文写得还顺。This essay is grammatically smooth and readable.

这就意味要制造个可读的公开声明。That means making disclosure statements readable.

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其余客户端源代码也是可读的。The rest of the client source is equally readable.

这本书如经删节,可读性也许会更强些。This book might be more readable if it is abridged.

在这本简明扼要,清晰易读的书里,D。In this concise, crisply readable book, Professor D.

本书虽短,而可读性尤佳。Though the book is short, it is wonderfully readable.

除非您有经验,否则请坚持可读选择。Unless you're experienced, stick to readable selects.

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Usborne书籍是非常有吸引力,可读性很好。Usborne Books are very attractive and quite readable.

这个简单和可读的筛选器将工作得足够好。This simple and readable filter will work well enough.

需要时将数据转换为某种可阅读的字符串格式。Convert data to a readable string format when necessary.