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重量多了25公斤。There is an overage in weight of 25 kilos.

为什么需要报告少钱或多钱?Why do I need to report shortage or overage?

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每天需向收入审计上报收银员长短款的情况。Infm the Income Audit of any maj cashier overage shtages on a daily basis.

选择提供足够通话分钟数的方案吧,因为超时话费相当高。Get a plan with enough minutes as the cost for " overage " minutes is high.

我们希望能完全的履单,并且我们将储存任何多余的库存。We wish to fill the order completely, and we will stock any overage in inventory.

禁止购置超龄、报废船舶作为新增和更新运力。Purchase of overage or scrapped ships to increase and renew transportation capacity is forbidden.

如果储蓄帐户的余额数目足够补偿超出的数目,这时就会发生转帐。Transferring money occurs if the savings account balance is large enough to make up for the overage.

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斯科特。莫法特作为老队员打右后卫的位置。Highlight United's selection difficulties, Scott Moffatt stepped in at right-back as an overage player.

分包商一旦发现领取材料出现超、缺、损时,必须及时通知向材料控制负责人。It is necessary to inform the official in change of damage, shortage or overage of materials immediately.

Verizon刚在五月将包月50MB提高为250MB,并降低了超出流量费用。Verizon had just increased it's data plan from 50 to 250 MB as of May, and had also reduced overage fees.

奥运会夺金的最大热门是巴西和阿根廷,他们拥有更豪华的超龄球员阵容。The favourites to claim the gold are Brazil and Argentina, who have a more intimidating array of overage stars.

说郑智作为超龄球员,帮助中国国奥一路过关斩将,直到惜败伊朗。Competing as an overage player, ZZ helped his side to the quarter-finals before a penalty shoot-out defeat against Iran.

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你能溢短相抵吗?我说不清楚,因为舱单上没有显示每捆的数量。Can you set off the overage against the shortage? I can't tell. Because the number of each bundle is not shown on the manifest.

数据如流水,只为人的想象力所限制,出人意料地超出费用不过是神话般的事物。Data would run like water, limited in use by only our imaginations, and outrageous overage fees would remain the stuff of myth.

拉齐奥前锋罗基将作为唯一超龄球员随意大利国奥队参加奥运会比赛。It has been confirmed that Lazio striker Tommaso Rocchi will be the only overage player in Italy's squad for the Olympic Games.

本文针对同条件养护试件检测过程中出现的试压强度不够、养护超龄期等问题提出几点看法。The paper presents opinions of insufficient test strength and overage curing during the test of sample cured in same condition.

不同抵质押品的最低抵质押水平、超额抵质押水平,以及最低违约损失率见附件3。See Annex 3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories.

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当然,这必须符合一定的条件,即储蓄帐户中必须有足够多的钱来补偿透支的金额。Of course, conditions must be checked to ensure that the savings account in question has enough money in it to make up for the overage.

结实期的日平均温度与稻米垩白率、垩白度呈显著的线性正相关。The daily overage temperature at the productive stage had a significantly positive correlation with chalky groin rate soc chalkiness degree.

超龄养老保险费的缴纳办法和标准,由市政府另行规定。The measures and criterions for the payment of overage endowment insurance premium shall be separately formulated by the Municipal Government.