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你的衣服在绳子上晾着。Your suit is airing on the line.

炫耀学问是一种坏作风。He is always airing his knowledge.

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你的衣服正晾在树上。Your clothes are airing on the tree.

我们什么时候可以晒冬天的衣服?When shall we start airing our winter clothes.

王大爷滔滔不绝地谈着,发表对这案件的看法。Uncle Wang ran on, airing his views about the cases.

我们花了两个小时穿过森林。It took us two hours to airing through the backwoods.

出去透透空气,一定会使我精神爽快得多。An airing would do me a great deal of good, I am sure.

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我终于在格塞尔先生遛狗的时候拦住了他。I caught Mr. Gesell at last, when he was airing the dog.

该电视台正在播放我最爱的连续剧重播。The TV station is airing reruns of my favorite soap opera.

我发现了一个特棒的有线电视戏剧节目,两周内播完。I find out about a great cable-TV drama airing in two weeks.

放在通风处晾干,不可放入干燥机中。Airing is under ventilated place, drying machine is not allowed.

防风组件中设计有晾取环。The windproof assembly is provided with an airing and taking ring.

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花时间数算恩典,而不要口出怨言。Spend your time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints.

而这也是艾美奖自一九七六年以来,首次零时差的向全美观众直播。It was also the first live coast-to-coast airing of the Emmys since 1976.

国家地理频道播出特别在2007年春末的高清晰度。National Geographic TV special airing late spring 2007 in high-definition.

透光孔装于油罐顶部,供罐内通风和采光用。Transparent hole series shall be set on tank roof for airing and lighting.

包装容器在使用前应清洗干净,并吹干或晾干。Packing containers shall be cleaned, dried by blowing or airing prior to use.

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演员克莱尔·丹尼斯将在星期六公演的HBO电影中扮演葛兰汀。Now actress Claire Danes is playing Grandin in an HBO movie airing on Saturday.

如果您想到太阳下晒一晒您的地毯,请背面晒,不要正面晒,防止燥色。Please have the back side out for airing under sun to prevent it from discoloring.

这个问题在国家安全运输委员会的听证会上会得到广播。The issue will get an airing at the National Transportation Safety Board's hearing.