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像我才说的,我不想再去牛仔比赛了。Like I said, I'm gettin out a rodeo.

迈拉是最小的孩子,骑术女王。Myra, the youngest, was a rodeo queen.

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牛仔竞技秀的动物经常在运送途中。Rodeo animals are constantly in transit.

在其他的竞技秀项目中,动物也会受伤或死去。Animals also injured and killed in other rodeo events.

托马斯H布里廷,他在投入上圈地2011的支持。Thomas H. Brittain, for his support in putting on Rodeo 2011.

巴西东北的草原边,日日上演暴烈的牛仔竞技戏码。Northeast of Brazil grassland, a rodeo drama staged every day.

从1888年的第一次牛仔竞技表演开始,牛仔竞技表演越来越受欢迎。Since the first rodeo in 1888, rodeos have grown in popularity.

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从现在开始习惯吧,克林顿正在备马,要参加2012年的竞技表演呢。Get used to it. The Clintons are saddling up for the 2012 rodeo.

我们在骑术表演场地找到了治安官,他手里正抓着一匹马的缰绳。We found him at the rodeo grounds, holding the reins of a horse.

一位身着星条旗服装的牛仔在斜槽后观看着骑术表演。Wearing stars and stripes, a cowboy watches rodeo events from the chutes.

如果明年我们起再来,或许我们可以一起去看牛仔的竞技表演。If we can come again next year, perhaps we can all go to the rodeo together.

骑术表演马上就要开始了,一群马正在围着赛马场列队亮相。The rodeo was about to begin with a parade of horses marching around the arena.

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怀俄明州布法罗市,人们在约翰逊县集市上打听着当地的新闻。Folks catch up on the local news at the Johnson County Fair and Rodeo in Buffalo, Wyo.

和套小牛项目一样,绊牛项目也会把一只参加竞技秀的动物置于非常大的受伤或死亡的危险中。As with calf roping, steer tripping puts a rodeo animal at extreme risk of injury or death.

该期封面照,一位农场主和她的三个孩子,正准备参加牛仔竞技表演。On the cover, a rancher poses with her three children while waiting to take part in a rodeo.

长久以来用骑羊来作为假想的牛仔骑术比赛是乡村中顽皮的孩子的一种消遣方式。Playing make-believe rodeo with sheep has long been a pastime of rambunctious rural children.

莱坞大道,日落大道,西好莱坞,比弗利罗德欧大街和圣塔莫妮卡海滨大道。Sunset Strip, West Hollywood, Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, and Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica.

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我现在在克洛弗代尔牛仔节和乡村庙会的现场,过去65年来这一直是温哥华地区的一个传统活动。I'm here at the Cloverdale Rodeo and Country Fair, a Vancouver tradition for the past 65 years.

马术表演会一开始常常是牛仔和他们的马的游行,接下来才是竞赛。The rodeo usually begins with a parade of cowboys and their horses. Then comes the competition.

我和一个牛仔竞技表演者,退休护士,汽车公司员工以及其他几十个行业的人都交谈过。I talked with a rodeo performer, a retired nurse, a General Motorsemployee, and dozens of others.