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我们的赛艇队,我们有一个大学代表队。Our rowing team, we have a varsity program.

你在学校篮球队打球,是吗?“You play varsity basketball, right?” I said.

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每个星期,由她带领的学校篮球队都能够获胜。Everyweek, she led her varsity team to victory.

每个星期,她带领的学校篮球代表队都能够获胜。Every week, she led her varsity team to victory.

我今年是瑞贝足球队的成员。I played for the Ribet Varsity Soccer team this year.

这是我们校园众多代表队中的一个。It's one of a lot of varsity teams we have on campus.

我当时是牛津大学篮球队的成员。I played on the Oxford University varsity basketball team.

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南非信息间瓦西蒂橄榄球比赛。Varsity football game between the information in "South" Africa.

你可以问,“你想明年参加大学篮球队吗?You might ask, "Do you want to make varsity basketball next year?

第一次从事新的体育项目时,你不可能是一位主力队员。You’re not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport.

别担心没进校队的事,你还有机会的。Don't worry about not making varsity team. you'll always have next year.

就是,没有校队的运动那么有组织那么激烈,which is, you know like, not as organized or intense as a varsity sport,

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是介于校际运动代表队和校内运动代表队之间的一种运动团体。Club Sports – A level of sports that falls somewhere between varsity and intramural.

为了能看到有他参加的二队比赛,整个校队的队员都开始提早到场。The entire varsity began to come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games.

当我高二从校队里被刷下来时,我懂得了一些东西。When I got cut from the varsity team as a sophomore in high school, I learned something.

Hunter是康涅狄格州Somers一名大学曲棍球队员,他一直在努力地学习阅读。A varsity lacrosse player in Somers, Conn., Hunter has struggled most of his life to read.

参加校际体育比赛的中学或大学运动队,其水平低于体育代表队。A high-school or college team that competes in interschool sports on the level below varsity.

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作为高中低年级的学生,乔丹成功得帮助兰尼成为了大学代表队,他自己是队中的重量级选手。As a high school junior Jordan did make the Laney varsity and was a valuable member of the squad.

奥巴马喜欢打篮球,高中时曾是校队成员。Obama plays basketball, a sport he participated in as a member of his high school's varsity team.

他听说一个当地的药贩在跟踪他,而校球队准备给他好看。A local dealer was after him, he heard, and varsity football players were planning to rough him up.