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营养不良伴有的糖尿病多见于热带发展中国家。Hidebound companion someDiabeticSee more at intertropical developing country.

分布在全世界的热带,以南美洲的热带雨林地区最多。Distributing all over the world intertropical , the selva area with South America is most.

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住进这样的房间使人头脑清楚,最适合夏季及热带地区使用。Occupy such room makes a person clear-eyed, suit the summer and intertropical area to use most.

像许多典型的热带植物一样,纸莎草对霜很敏感。Like a lot of typical intertropical plants, paper nutgrass flatsedge is very sensitive to frost.

热带雨来时毫无预兆,“从里往外、从头到脚,给我浇了个透心凉。When intertropical rain comes, be without bodeful, "From in outside, cap-a-pie , irrigated a penetrating coolness to me."

而三亚独特的热带植物与美丽景色,让你的SPA之旅,更天然,更享受。And 3 inferior individual intertropical plant and beautiful scenery, allow the force of your SPA, more natural, more enjoy.

印有布满鲜艳色彩的热带风情图案的床上用品非常走俏。Imprint the bedding that has the pattern of intertropical amorous feelings that is full of bright beauty colour is very popular.

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并建议适当减少热带阔叶木材进口,以保护全球生态环境。Suggest to reduce material of intertropical broad Xie Mu to import appropriately, in order to protect global zoology environment.

这个极致的季节差异在热带雨带的转变中也有反映,称为热带辐和带。This extreme seasonal difference is also reflected by the shifting tropical rain belt, the so-called Intertropical Convergence Zone.

该喷气式客机可能在飞过热带辐合带上空时遭遇雷雨天气。The jetliner would have had to pass through a notorious storm patch shifting around the equator known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone.

由于雨量丰富,因此促进热带性的阿萨姆大叶种茶树蓬勃发育。Because rainfall is rich, because this promotes the A Sa of intertropical sex, Mudaxie is planted Yo of break out of tea tree bitter fleabane.

四季宜人的热带气候,是否会给你繁重工作后的闲暇时光带来一些舒逸呢!The intertropical climate with delightful the four seasons, the leisure time after whether can giving you onerous job brings ease of a few easy!

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而当代,热带辐合区随着定期发生的厄尔尼诺现象而转移,因此削弱了东南亚地区的季风降雨。The same intertropical convergence zone shifts in response to periodic El Nino events, which weaken monsoon rains in Southeast Asia in the modern era.

现在最流行的是那种色泽鲜艳、很有热带丛林气息的马赛克,非凡漂亮。The most popular now is the sort of colour and lustre the bright-coloured, mosaic that has intertropical and jungly flavor very much, particularly beautiful.

选择最能代表热带风格的宽百叶窗作为装饰,让它们与室内的任一主题色调相统一。The choice can serve as adornment on behalf of the wide shutter of intertropical style most, make they and indoor either theme lubricious phase modulation unified.

在置办餐厅家具的时候,选择最具代表性的热带风格家具是营造鲜明风格直接有效的手段。In buy dining-room furniture when, the choice provides representative intertropical style furniture most is to build the step with bright direct and significant color.

无论入住热带海滨客房还是热带花园客房,无论何时向外望去,美不胜收的景色都会让你心神荡漾。No matter enter intertropical seaside guest room or intertropical garden guest room, whenever look outwards, the scenery of too many beautiful things can let your mind ripple.

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巴西东北部的气候主要是热带辐合带,这是一种南北半球偏东信风衔接的赤道地区气候。Northeastern Brazil’s climate is largely driven by the Intertropical Convergence Zone—an equatorial region where northern and southern hemisphere easterly trade winds converge.

专家认为这与日照时间的缩短有关,因为研究发现热带地区的抑郁症发病率普遍较低。The expert thinks of this and sunshine time shorten about, because research discovers the depressed disease incidence of a disease of intertropical area is general and inferior.

为了安抚妻子,谢尔盖决定带妻子到一个热带岛屿旅行,但为了不失业,只好暗中和同事联系。To pacify a wife, xie Er builds a decision to take a wife to travel to an intertropical islands, but for not unemployed, be forced to be contacted with the colleague in the dark.