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加兰女士则透过其现任雇主瑞士信贷的一名发言人拒绝就此事表态。Ms. Callan declined to comment through a spokeswoman for her current employer

我院收治一例罕见的青少年脊柱神经母细胞瘤的患者。There is a multiple neuroma of the spine's sufferer who is a callan in our hospital.

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图书馆和青少年活动中心英语培训中心的名字是什么?Library English Trainning Center, English Trainning Center at the Callan activity Center.

凯伦方法的第六本书为学生**剑桥高级**做准备。Book 6 of the Callan Method prepares the student for the Cambridge"Advanced " Certificate.

至今仍没有比较成熟的、科学有效的青少年学生网络成瘾的矫治方案。There has not any riper rectifying project about internet addiction disorder of callan students up to now.

而青少年也许没那么担心但却会更多地与家长发生口角或在学校里表现不好。The callan may have little worry but they often altercate with their patents or have a poor performance in school.

而从雷曼兄弟和卡兰个人最近的表现来看,投资者对该公司恢复信心尚需时日。And the recent track record of both Lehman and Ms. Callan means it will be some time before investors regain confidence in the firm.

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Callan此前进行的调查显示,当市场一直上扬的时候,机构投资者更有可能认为自己支付的成本是合理的。Prior surveys by Callan show that institutions are more likely to regard their costs as reasonable when the market has been going up.

今年春末,Callan调查了退休金计划、捐赠基金、基金会以及其他机构投资者对管理费的态度。Late this spring, Callan studied attitudes toward fees among pension plans, endowments, foundations and other institutional investors.

事实上,卡兰非但没有对公司的损失表示出悔意,还马上表示雷曼准备再次在市场上发起攻击。Indeed, rather than sounding contrite about the firm's losses, Ms. Callan was quick to say it is ready to again play offense in markets.

这位经理人说,卡兰告诉他,雷曼兄弟上调所持股权的价值是因为一位新投资者买入了KSK的股份,他的购股价比雷曼兄弟原来计算其在KSK投资时所用的股价要高。The manager said Ms. Callan told him Lehman marked up its holding because a new investor had taken a stake in KSK at a valuation above Lehman's.

他还补充道,卡兰拒绝对冲减规模进行解释,但是她表示雷曼兄弟预计会在第二季度计入更多损失。Callan declined to explain the size of the write-down, but she added that 'Lehman 'would expect to recognize further losses' in its second quarter.

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从理论和实践两个方面,论述了公共图书馆应当成为而且也可以成为青少年健康成长的社会文化基地。The paper addresses the point of view that library should and is able to be a social cultural base for callan to grow healthily from the aspects of theory and practice.