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中国反垄断法于2008年正式生效。China’s antitrust law took effect in 2008.

但是即使有些讽刺意味,在反垄断主义中也是没有用武之地的。Still, irony has no place in antitrust doctrine.

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计算机产业能克服其自身的反托拉斯问题吗?Will the computer industry ever escape its antitrust problems?

刘程表示,商务部的反垄断部门尚未组建。Liu said the ministry's antitrust office hasn't been staffed yet.

又或者他们可以寻求反垄断的理由来挑战苹果公司。Or maybe they could seek to challenge Apple on antitrust grounds.

指控谷歌可能为互联网时代修订反托拉斯法。A case against Google could update antitrust law for the Internet age.

这项合并协议仍必须由股东和反垄断监管人员批准。The deal must still be approved by shareholders and antitrust regulators.

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诉讼以资方垄断为由,要求资方支付球员所受损失的三倍作为赔偿。The lawsuit seeks triple damages as a result of the antitrust violations.

当盖兹为“反托拉斯”审判辩护时,鲍尔曼负责使公司运转如常。Gates ran the antitrust trial defense while Ballmer was running the company.

微软一直在律政司的反垄断视野之内。It was Microsoft in the Department of Justice's sights for antitrust issues.

智慧财产及反托拉斯法之间,先天就有所冲突。A fundamental tension exists between intellectual property and antitrust law.

监察机关Indecopi反托拉斯法庭的最后判决要到明年以后才会出炉。A final ruling from Indecopi’s antitrust tribunal will not come for another year.

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自从上世纪50年代开始,IBM就成了反托拉斯者的目标,现在面临反托拉斯者新的不满。IBM, the target of trustbusters since the 1950s, faces a new antitrust complaint.

过去,反垄断法禁止垄断大户收购其潜在竞争者。In the old days, antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors.

第三,国际国内比较研究的方法。Third, it does comparative research between domestic and abroad antitrust practice.

反垄断法和竞争法并没有在这小联合起来的大企业中应用得当。Antitrust and competition laws are not applied vigorously to well-connected champions.

现在,反垄断调查者已经包围了谷歌,就像当年他们对微软所作的一样。Now, antitrust investigators are circling Google -- just like they did with Microsoft.

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柯西米亚说科莎公司“不知道自己卷进了持续的反垄断共谋案中。”Cohlmia says a KoSa subsidiary “unknowingly bought into an ongoing antitrust conspiracy.”

虽然许多欧洲航空公司都想合并,但碍于信托法因此困难重重。Though many European airlines would like to merge, antitrust laws make it very difficult.

Barnett指出,欧洲和亚洲的反托拉斯当局也正在调查LCD市场.European and Asian antitrust authorities were also looking at the LCD market, Barnett said.