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这个梦想成就了里米尼的“微缩意大利”公园。The dream made the "mimi Italy" park in Rimini.

莱罗塔列也意识到里米尼将对球队制造的威胁。The defender is well aware of the threat posed by Rimini.

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里米尼是意大利东部沿海的一个繁华的度假胜地。Rimini is a thriving holiday resort on the east coast of italy.

我不认为在之后的比赛中,里米尼都能象上周与我们对阵时那样发挥出色。I'm not sure Rimini will play like they did last weekend from now on.

我即将离开威尼斯这美丽的海滩,前往义大利里米尼。I will be leaving the beautiful beaches of Venice soon off to Rimini , Italy.

里米尼是支优秀的队伍,也许是乙级最好的球队之一。"Rimini are a good side, maybe one of the best in Serie B, " added the veteran.

其中之一就有夏季刚从里米尼转会而来的中场巴鲁索。One of these is midfielder Ahmed Barusso, who came over from Rimini last summer.

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当然在漫长的一个赛季时间里我们将面对一些困难,就如同我们在与里米尼的比赛中那样。Of course we will encounter difficulties over the course of the season, as we did at Rimini.

法院党的安排,两局应举行,在里米尼和塞琉西亚。The court party arranged that two councils should be held, at Rimini and Seleucia respectively.

在4-2尴尬地负于里米尼的比赛中,拉齐奥的83号作为替补出场。Lazio's No 83 came on as a substitute in the Aquile's embarrassing 4-2 defeat against Rimini yesterday.

我们在对里米尼的比赛后受到的外界的批评是不容辩驳的,俱乐部也有权要求我们做得更好。The criticism we received after Rimini was justified and the club has every right to expect more from us.

尤文已经从意大利杯赛中出局,也以对阵里米尼开始他们的新赛季。The Turin giants are already out of the Coppa Italia and begin their campaign away to Rimini this afternoon.

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“里米尼是支优秀的队伍,也许是乙级最好的球队之一。”这位老将补充道,“10人迎战是非常不容易的事情。”"Rimini are a good side, maybe one of the best in Serie B, " added the veteran. "It wasn't easy to play with 10 men.

如果他的智力不能区别或找到差异,让他学习神学家,因为他们善于分辨毫厘之差。If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen, f or they are rimini sect ors.

和阿雷佐的比赛,我们有优势,不过我们也不能掉以轻心,他们在最近的比赛中刚刚战胜了里米尼队。We have a good advantage over Arezzo but we can't under-estimate them as they had a good win over Rimini in the last game.

里米尼是义大利东岸另一个美丽的海湾城市,那儿您可以找到当地最棒的海产鲜味。Rimini is another wonderful seaside town along the eastern coast of Italy where you can find some of the best seafood around.

尤文后卫弗雷德里克·巴尔扎雷蒂已经否认了他在星期二与里米尼的比赛中侮辱了裁判毛里齐奥·钱皮。Juve defender Federico Balzaretti has denied that he insulted referee Maurizio Ciampi during the match with Rimini on Tuesday.

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在一次电视节目访谈中。皮耶罗对周六在里米尼被替换换下场表达了不满。让我们保持冷静。In a television interview, Alessandro Del Piero reflected on Saturday's draw away at Rimini and called for cool heads, Let's be calm.

尽管球队近期的状态每况愈下,他们还是以冬季冠军的身份结束上半程,下轮将在主场迎战里米尼。Despite the club's recent slump in form, they were crowned Winter Champions on Saturday and will now host Rimini at the Stadio Olimpico next.

这幕为圣诞节而创作的沙雕基督诞生场景位于义大利北部海滨城市�米尼,当地人坚信它是整个欧洲最大的砂雕作品。A nativity scene made from sand in the northern Italian seaside town of Rimini for Christmas is believed locally to be the biggest sand sculpture in Europe.