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军队袭击那个要塞。The army assailed the fortress.

敌人包围了他们的堡垒。The enemy circled their fortress.

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那要塞怎麽也攻不下来。The fortress defied every attack.

洛里•伯德要塞坐落在这里。Lori Berd fortress is located here.

我的字符在匪盗堡垒。可您帮助我。My character is in bandit fortress.

家,在中国,是礼教的堡垒。At home, Chinese, Confucianism fortress.

他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。They retook a fortress in the naval port.

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他领导了对敌人要塞的进击。He led an assault on the enemy's fortress.

那要塞放弃给敌人了。The fortress was delivered up to the enemy.

他们弃守要塞给敌人。They surrendered the fortress to the enemy.

军队撤离了倒毁的堡垒。The army retreated from the ruined fortress.

第二部分是对边塞地区的描绘。The twice part depicts the frontier fortress.

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这个群魔堡垒真是一个奇迹。This Pandemonium Fortress is truly miraculous.

它被称作阿兹卡班城堡或者简称阿兹卡班。It's called Azkaban Fortress or simply Azkaban.

那个叫红城,原来是一座堡垒。That's called Red City. It used to be a fortress.

将军火速前往救援该要塞。The general hastened to the relief of the fortress.

1559年在莫比尔湾建立西班牙城堡。Build up Spanish fortress in Bill Mo's gulf in 1559.

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他们花了一整天才攻占了敌堡。It took them a whole day to take the enemy fortress.

堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.

军事要塞充满肃杀感,战事一触即发。Fortress filling amuck and wars being going to launch.