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你想的真周到.How thoughtful of you.

你真是太体贴人了。You are so thoughtful.

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我的爸爸充满思想,又体贴周到。My dad is thoughtful and nicey.

十分全面周到。Extremely thorough and thoughtful.

他是一个性格内向,思维缜密的人。He was a quiet and thoughtful man.

他体贴温柔,大公无私。He’s very thoughtful and unselfish.

这使我们大家陷入了沈思。That put us all in a thoughtful mood.

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你能再次打电话过来,想得真周到。It thoughtful of you to call me again.

她总是很体贴她的母亲。She is always thoughtful of her mother.

他是这么不替将来着想。He is so thoughtful concerning the future.

这位女孩咬着嘴唇,看上去若有所思。The girl bit her lips and looked thoughtful.

它以其深度引起会心的微笑。It evokes thoughtful smiles by its profundity.

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一种令人遐想的宁静弥漫于苏格兰圣岛。A thoughtful calm pervades Scotland's Holy Isle.

她努力肯干,懂事体贴。Her efforts to stem, thoughtful and considerate.

平时看来他沉默寡言。你说,尽管他不作声,但他仍是个有思想的人。In spite of his silence, he is a thoughtful man.

找时间冥想,虔诚地沉思。Thoughtful time to meditate, prayerful reflections

他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging.

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皮普钦太太的灰色眼睛细看着他的若有所思的脸孔。Mrs Pipchin's grey eye scanned his thoughtful face.

换而言之,要做到真正的关爱和真正的体贴。In other words, be truly kind, and truly thoughtful.

你真关心,送这么英俊的项链给我。How thoughtful of you to send me such anice necklace.