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国会民主党人也需要以罗斯福为榜样。Congressional Democrats should heed the FDR model as well.

小亨利和罗斯福一边共进午餐,一边追叙昔日的生活。FDR and Henry, Jr . reminisced about the old days over lunch.

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罗斯福等到第二天就任总统后才采取行动。FDR would wait to act until he became president the next day.

1933年3月12日,罗斯福总统在这个房间发表了其第一次炉边谈话。On March 12, 1933, FDR delivered the first of his Fireside chats.

罗斯福政府事实上把精力花在了,别人忽视的地方。FDR actually put its fingers on something other people overlooked.

作为回报,罗斯福答应完全不再插手亚洲事务。In return, FDR offered to stop interfering in Asian affairs altogether.

他崇拜富兰克林.德拉诺.罗斯福,与博.福尼不同,那天晚上他睡在了林肯卧室里。He worshipped FDR. Unlike Bo Forney, he spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

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现在,我是自1936年富兰克林·罗斯福以来,第一个连续两次当选的民主党总统。Now I was the first Democratic President to be elected to a second term since FDR in 1936.

这位罗斯福总统是家中独子,也是西奥多•罗斯福的第五位外甥,两人同属一个贵族家庭的子孙。An only child, FDR had some of the same old-money roots as Teddy Roosevelt, a fifth cousin.

在1932,富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福否定了美国公民把美元兑换成黄金的权利。In 1932, FDR denied US citizens the right to convert their dollars into gold by US citizens.

我们需要的是另一个罗斯福,但奥巴马却变成了另一个胡佛。What we need, insisted Baker, is another FDR. Yet Obama was turning out to be another Hoover.

显然奥巴马没有罗斯福的魄力,即使他的破坏力不逊于西奥多·罗斯福。Obama was clearly not pushing very hard tobe FDR or even his trust-busting relative Teddy Roosevelt.

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保守派智库说,其实,小罗斯福的前两个任期,并未促成经济全面复苏。That said, FDR did not, in fact, manage to engineer a full economic recovery during his first two terms.

1943年,泄露出来的消息说,罗斯福曾乘飞机去出席卡萨布兰卡会议,白宫都十分激动。White House in 1943, when word trickled down that FDR had gone to his Casablanca conference on an airplane.

仿真实验结果表明,改进FDR编码算法的数据压缩效果在大多数情况下,优于游程编码和FDR编码。In most of the experiments, the proposed FDR achieved better compression results than run-length codes and FDR codes.

罗斯福的崇高演讲和马丁·路德·金不安的混合的语法和风格为南斯拉夫牌汽车电视广告。It's the lofty oratory of FDR and Martin Luther King Jr. uncomfortably mixed with the syntax and style of a TV commercial for the Yugo.

他推崇罗斯福果断的革新政策,在美联储重复着罗斯福总统的措施,甚至连缩略词的用法也一样。He admired FDR for his bold and innovative policy making and has replicated FDR's approach at the Fed, even down to the use of acronyms.

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他会成为像亚伯拉罕·林肯一样伟大的政治家,像比尔·克林顿一样派头十足的政客,还是像富兰克林·罗斯福一样务实的实干家?Will he become a great statesman like Abraham Lincoln, a masterful politician like Bill Clinton, or a pragmatic experimentalist like FDR?

希拉里带他走进地图资料室,给他看了富兰克林.德拉诺.罗斯福1945年在佐治亚的沃姆斯普林克斯去世时使用过的地图,他差点哭了出来。He almost cried when Hillary took him into the map room to show him the war map FDR was using when he died in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1945.

我已经确定,我所追随的行动方针与我在战争时期作为总统的责任感是一致的——富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福。I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war- FDR.