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不过,男性的抑制解除评分比女性低。However, men score lower in disinhibition than women.

问题是,网络抑制解除效应是把双刃剑。The problem is, the online disinhibition effect works in both positive and negative ways.

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去抑制感觉寻求因子在亲子关系对心理健康的影响上起到了中介作用。Disinhibition played a mediate role in the relevance between parent-child relation and mental health.

因此,由于总体克制力强,超重男性对低估未来价值的冲动行为有更强的免疫性。So, obese men may be protected from more impulsive behavior on the delay-discounting task by having lower disinhibition in general.

在线去抑制效应已经让人们付出了工作、收入以及他们的人际关系的代价,但是,许多人仍然对此一无所知。The online disinhibition effect has cost people their jobs, their income and their relationships, yet many are still oblivious to it.

这一作用通过基底神经节的间接通路,最终去抑制释放了丘脑运动核团VM的活性。The reduction in tonic inhibitory drive from the basal ganglia induces a disinhibition of activity in the VM, a motor thalamic nucleus.

这是在线抑制效应的潜在积极效应,只要用户们注意保护他们的隐私和身份。This is one of the potentially positive aspects of the online disinhibition effect, as long as users protect their privacy and identity.

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其次则整理患者情绪与行为异常之文献,例如抑制困难与冷漠症候群等。Meanwhile, emotional and behavioral disturbances, such as the disinhibition and apathy syndromes that occur after trauma, are also discussed.

她说,之前已有研究表明那些抑制解除评分较高的人体重指数也会较高,而且更容易增重。Previous studies have shown that those who score higher in disinhibition have higher body mass indexes and gain weight more easily, she said.

网路上的人际互动具有高亲密度、高自我揭露程度等高去抑制化行为,以及高不确定感的特性。These interpersonal interactions show a distinctive pattern of disinhibition characterized by high intimacy, high self-disclosure, and high uncertainty.

发现,单身的年轻人特别喜欢吐露自己的情感信息,这是在线兴奋效应的结果。found that young, single people were particularly likely to disclose sensitive information about themselves. It's the online disinhibition effect writ large.

这就是两个被心理学家称为“在线去抑制”的例子,指的是网络上的人们会感受到更少的社会习俗的制约。These are two examples of what psychologists call the 'online disinhibition effect', the idea that when online people feel less inhibited by social conventions.

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由于在线去抑制效应,有些人分享了太多的私人生活,甚至包括一些不会对最亲密的朋友倾述的事情。Because of the online disinhibition effect some share too much on their social networking profiles, sometimes even things they wouldn't admit to their closest friends.

网络技术的“人际性”、“后现代性”、“去抑制性”以及“容器人”效应,是网络中虚拟自我能够存在的技术条件。The interpersonal nature, post-modernity, and disinhibition of network technology, as well as the vessel effect are the technical conditions of the virtual self in network.

在静止情况下基底神经节的输出核团维持对下游不同运动核心的抑制作用,反之则去除抑制活化运动核心。The output nuclei of the basal ganglia provide tonic inhibition under resting conditions to different motor centres, and elicit activation of a centre through disinhibition.