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欢乐或苦难的熬煎。Of joy or sorrow.

我对他的去世感到伤心。I sorrow for his death.

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喜悦在悲伤中浮现。Out of sorrow comes joy.

悲伤使他在精神上经受了考验。Sorrow had baptized him.

两处闲愁。But sorrow at two places.

悲伤使他的头发变白了。Sorrow has greyed his head.

枯涸的悲伤吸干了我们的鲜血。Dry sorrow drinks our blood.

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在悲痛中他悬梁自尽了。He hanged himself in sorrow.

他经常借酒消愁。He often drinks down sorrow.

揭去悲伤的面具即是快乐…Joy is your sorrow unmasked.

从来就没有自怨和忧伤。Never self-hatred and sorrow.

离别是甜蜜的凄楚。Parting is such sweet sorrow.

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这女孩因悲伤而憔悴了。The girl drooped with sorrow.

那妇人悲凄地哭个不绝。The woman wailed with sorrow.

多有智慧,就多有愁烦。Much wisdom comes much sorrow.

每颗心都有它自己的悲哀。Every heart has its own sorrow.

我对你的不幸深表同情。I feel with you in your sorrow.

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悔怨的心有一种伤感。The sorrow of a contrite heart.

时间一久悲痛自减。Time blunts the edge of sorrow.

为何都带有丝丝忧愁。Why are with filar silk sorrow.