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这种划分让巴基斯坦没有国家认同感。It left Pakistan with no sense of nationhood.

我们美国的国家粘合剂是关于个人自由和公平的美国理想。The glue of nationhood for us is the American ideal of individual liberty and equal justice.

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锡吕·玛塔吉为争取印度的自由而斗争,为超过3.5亿的人带来独立的国家地位。Shri Mataji fought in the freedom struggle that brought nationhood to over 350 million people.

简言之,什叶派、逊尼派和库尔德人的新当权派非常需要建立一种国家观念。In short , the new establishment of Shias , Sunnis and Kurds sorely needs to build a sense nationhood.

现在,点燃礼炮这一夜晚的典礼则象征了打开这个海洋在殖民时期和现代之间的记忆。Now the nightly ritual keeps open the sea-lane of memory between colonial past and present nationhood.

简言之,什叶派、逊尼派和库尔德人的新当权派非常需要建立一种国家观念。In short, the new establishment of Shias, Sunnis and Kurds sorely needs to build a sense of nationhood.

但是有一些国家没有特定的国庆日,例如英国。The National Day is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation or non-sovereign country.

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因为我们可以说,战争是真的扮演了关键的作用,帮助埃及人进一步巩固自我的建国意识。And so warfare plays really a key role in, if you like, the consolidation of the Egyptian sense of their own nationhood.

一些已知的市政是自由市场,环境论,奴隶,农奴,言论自由,征兵,释放和国家的独立。Some of the known civics are Free Market, Environmentalism, Slavery, Serfdom, Free Speech, Conscription, Emancipation, and Nationhood.

鸦片战争后,中国一步步沦为半殖民地半封建社会,面临着民族复兴的时代课题。After the Opium War, China becomes semi-colonial and semi-feudal society step by step, facing the subject of the revival of nationhood.

“我们决不能摒弃海地213年来积累的国家意识,对圣贤的教诲置若罔闻,”莫顿大使提醒我们。"There is no need to forsake Haiti's 213 years of accumulated nationhood by not heeding such sage advice, " Ambassador Merten reminds us.

美国前国务卿基辛格上个月在日内瓦发表演讲时,将当今新兴国家崛起之势比作19世纪或20世纪初期“大国诞生”的方式。Speaking in Geneva last month, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger compared the approach of powers "emerging into confident nationhood" to those of states in the 19th or early 20th centuries.