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目视检查所有密封件。Visually inspect all sealing element.

——来自视障摄影者的声音Voices of visually impaired photographers

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他的面孔被描述为“视觉上的噪音,面部特征可以做出各种表情”。His face has been described as "visually noisey.

这场表演是一场视、听的飨宴。The performance is aurally and visually exciting.

易读性是指文章在视觉上是否明确。Legibility indicates how clear the text is visually.

这个接口看上去乱糟糟的.The interface looks messy and is visually cluttered.

视觉设计着色程序和效果文件。Visually designing shader programs and effect files.

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也许这取决于你在视力上是否倾斜。Perhaps it depends on whether you’re visually inclined.

马修是二十七个岁及视障人士。Matthew is twenty-seven years old and visually impaired.

视觉上区分非模态对话框与模态对话框。Visually differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs.

这些女性值得被观看,不仅是外貌,还有她们的生平。They deserve to be seen, not just visually but biographically.

男性和女性鳄鱼可能很难分辨视觉。Male and female crocodilians can be hard to tell apart visually.

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所有网络可以按照你的意愿分割为10个不同的区域。Visually all your net can be splitted to 10 regions as you wish.

视觉界定的时间您要削减在用滑杆。Visually define the time you want to cut at by using slider bar.

总而言之,这个被创造出来的新世界无论在视觉和听觉上都是无懈可击的。The creation of new worlds is absolute, both visually and aurally.

当用户在填写表单时,他们不喜欢被显著地干扰。Users do not like to be visually distracted when filling in forms.

从视觉上我们也要适应球场的不同尺寸。Visually we have also had to adapt to a different pitch dimension.

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装甲精英车辆现在正确地使用装甲精英组员。Panzer Elite vehicles should visually use proper Panzer Elite crews.

通过主题的选择,可以让我们的维基网站赏心悦目。We can even make a visually engaging wiki with a selection of themes.

让你从视觉上浏览含图片档案的目录树。Allows you to visually browse a directory tree containing image files.