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计划设计还是流线型的。Schema design is also streamlined.

这种流线型设计在风大的屋顶仍然适用。The streamlined form also fares well on windy rooftops.

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飞机应该有更长、更细的翅膀,流线型的机体。Think longer, leaner wings and a more streamlined body.

这种车的流线型车容,实在太漂亮了。These cars have a streamlined design, they are really gorgeous.

需要的是一个流水线化的工具,用来遍历任务结构。What is needed is a streamlined tool to traverse the task structure.

流线型阀体,不再需要凹穴来帮助流体直线流通。Streamlined body without pockets contributes to straight-through flow.

新页面可点击文末链接激活。The new streamlined page is opt-in for now, and you can activate it here.

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农业研究体系必须是高效率的和非政治化的。The agricultural research system needs to be streamlined and depoliticized.

英语和中文双语版,其他语种已被精简。English and Chinese bilingual edition, in other languages has been streamlined.

比如他们都有一流的身体流线性、强有力的蹬腿以及优秀的动作协调性。They all have a great streamlined body, a well-developed kick and great timing.

公司吃白饭的人太多了,所以要精简人员。There are too much dead weight in the company, so things need to be streamlined.

首先,它使横跨他们目标平台的部署过程变得流畅。First of all, it streamlined the deployment process across their target platforms.

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众多分析师将百度流线型的页面视作Google的直接翻版。Many analysts see the familiarly streamlined Baidu Web site as a direct copy of Google.

采用人性化设计流线形外观,驾驶室全钢化成形玻璃,视野开阔。Humanization design streamlined appearance, all-steel cab of forming glass, wide vision.

本港居民、游客和商人的入境手续已经简化。Immigration procedures for Hong Kong residents, tourists and businessmen are streamlined.

从西非向东南亚贩运象牙的团伙采取有组织的作业。Syndicates smuggling ivory from West Africa to Southeast Asia are streamlined operations.

它的装甲是流线型的,而且更重要的是,它有一个57毫米的长管主炮。Its armor was streamlined but more importantly, it featured a long-barreled 57mm main gun.

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简化塔,8种不同的塔防游戏来构建和升级或捕获。Streamlined tower defense gameplay with 8 different towers to build and upgrade or capture.

结果可以是平静地,然而强大的设计可以合理的传达它的信息。The result can be a calming, yet powerful design that is streamlined to convey its message.

覆盖方形图案的大衣,羊毛夹克或者是羊毛裙让他的日装显得十分流线感。His woman was streamlined by day in her square blanket coat, shearling jacket or wool dress.